Kanadas Strategisch Handelspolitische Optionen

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Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Einstellungen ändern möchten Wir haben einen Gefallen zu bitten Bitte deaktivieren Sie Ihren Anzeigenblocker (oder aktualisieren Sie Ihre Einstellungen, um sicherzustellen, dass Javascript und Cookies aktiviert sind), damit wir Ihnen weiterhin die erstklassigen Marktnachrichten liefern können Und Daten, die Sie von uns erwarten. Die Frist für die Einreichung kommt schnell. Bitte reichen Sie Ihren Papier oder einen abstrakten Vorschlag bis zum nächsten Mittwoch, den 1. März 1999 ein. Details hierzu finden Sie hier. Über die Konferenz: Die Graduierteninstitute Zentrum für Handel und wirtschaftliche Integration und Georgetown University Institute Institute of International Economic Law sind stolz darauf, einen Aufruf zur Einreichung von Papieren für unsere 2017 Konferenz über WTO-Gesetz zu präsentieren. Die jährliche Konferenz zum WTO-Gesetz, die ihren Ursprung in der Partnerschaft hat, die im Jahr 2000 zwischen dem Universitätsprofessor John H. Jackson von Georgetown und dem Professor Sir Francis Jacobs, KCMG, QC, einem Treuhänder von BIICL, gegründet wurde, hat eine langjährige Zugehörigkeit zu den Journal of International Economic Law (JIEL), veröffentlicht von der Oxford University Press. Als eine der bedeutendsten und prestigeträchtigsten Konferenzen, die sich mit den Entwicklungen des internationalen Handelsrechts befassen, verfolgt die Jahrestagung des WTO-Gesetzes hochkarätige Themen, die für Akademiker und Praktiker gleichermaßen von Interesse sind. Die Konferenz 2017 findet in Genf statt. Sessions findet am Graduierteninstitut am Freitag, den 9. Juni statt, der Austragungsort für Samstag, den 10. Juni wird bekannt gegeben. Details sind hier. Einige Highlights: Die Bewerbungsfrist ist Mittwoch 8. März. Du wirst nicht alleine sein. Es heißt, das heißt, es ist nicht so, dass ich das kaufe, aber es heißt, für diejenigen, die Vollzeit arbeiten, werden Sie erwartet, dass Sie eine Fünf-Tage-Woche von 37 Stunden (ohne Mittagspause).quot So arbeiten , Etwa die Hälfte von dem, was die durchschnittliche USTR Person arbeitet. In Bezug auf die Zahlung, sagt es, quotDie Mindestgehalt für diese Klasse ist 48.400 (London) kann es Spielraum für einige Flexibilität bei der Einstiegsgehalt je nach relevanten Erfahrungen. quot Wie Lorand Bartels auf Twitter vorgeschlagen, vielleicht ist dies ein Test sein Der Verhandlungsfähigkeiten des Antragstellers. Die ersten kanadischen Truppen werden im Juni in Lettland eintreffen und einen mit Spannung erwarteten NATO-Einsatz aufgeben, um potenzielle russische Ambitionen in Osteuropa zurückzuhalten, sagte Gen. Jonathan Vance am Freitag. Rund 450 Kanadier bilden das Rückgrat und die Führung einer multinationalen Kampfgruppe, die schließlich zwischen 1.200 und 1.500 Truppen zählen wird. Die Reise zur vollständigen Ratifizierung von Kanada39s Handel mit der Europäischen Union wird lang und kompliziert sein, aber ein früher Schritt wurde Donnerstag genommen, da Lettland das Parlament in favour genommen hat.1060 Von den 28 Mitgliedsländern, die derzeit in der Europäischen Union sind, sind 27 verpflichtet zu halten Ratifikationsstimmen in einem oder mehreren nationalen Gesetzgebungen. Lettland ist der erste, mit den Gesetzgebern, die mit einer Stimme von 71-5 Guthaben bei einer Enthaltung stimmen. Ion ich sage nicht, dass es hier eine Verbindung gibt, aber Kanada kann auch sehen, ob es etwas gibt, was es für Wallonien tun kann. (Die Idee für diesen Beitrag kam von jemandem in einem Fachdiskussionsforum. Sie ist herzlich eingeladen, in den Kommentaren hier aufzutreten und öffentlich zu nehmen, aber ich glaube nicht, dass sie es will.) Trump Administrationsbeamte verteidigten diese Woche die aktuellen Methoden Sammeln und präsentieren US-Handelsdaten und Statistiken und entlassen als völlig ungenau einen Bericht von der Wall Street Journal, dass US-Agenturen erwägt, diese Methoden zu ändern. Letzte Woche39s Wall Street Journal Artikel erklärte, dass Verwaltungsbeamte haben die Handelsabteilung und das Amt des US-Handelsvertreters gefragt, um die Art und Weise ändern sie berechnen Handelsströme in einer Weise, die das Handelsdefizit erhöhen würde. Diese Berechnung würde Re-Exporte ausschließen - Waren, die die U. S. ohne wesentliche Umwandlung durchlaufen - aus den Gesamtausfuhren, aber diese Waren würden in die US-Imporendaten aufgenommen. Eine hochrangige Commerce-Abteilung offiziellen am 21. Februar geklärt, um Inside US-Handel, dass die Diskussion in der News-Bericht erwähnt wurde eine allgemeine, die vorgeschlagenen zusätzlichen Daten gesammelt werden könnte, aber das war nicht auf die Änderung der Methoden, die das Bureau of Economic Analysis gilt Date.0160 Ich sehe auch, dass Lori Wallach von Global Trade Watch über das gleiche Thema geschrieben hat. Aber was auf einen anderen Ansatz hindeutet, als das, was im WSJ-Artikel 0160 in Frage gestellt wurde: 0160 Derzeit, jeden Monat, veröffentlicht das U. S. Census Bureau Rohdaten über die Gesamtexporte aus den Vereinigten Staaten und die Gesamteinfuhren kommen (genannt Generalimporte). Diese Daten, wie das NAFTA-Beispiel zeigt, verzerrt bilaterale Handelsbilanzen. Zum Beispiel zählt diese Daten als U. S. exportiert Waren, die in China produziert werden, in einem Lager gelagert, nachdem sie von einem Schiff aus China in Californias Long Beach Hafen genommen wurden und dann später ohne Veränderung zu einem Ziel in Nordmexiko transportiert wurden. Diese Daten zählt auch die chinesischen Einfuhren in die Vereinigten Staaten als Teil der U. S.-China Handelsbilanz. Das Ergebnis: Das US-Defizit mit Mexiko wäre künstlich reduziert, und das US-Defizit mit China wäre künstlich erhöht. (Die Volkszählung misst eine genaue Bilanzierung unserer Handelsbilanz mit der Welt, weil die Wiederausfuhren und die Einfuhren, die wieder ausgewertet werden, ausgeglichen werden.) Eine genauere Maßnahme für bilaterale Handelsbilanzen stammt von der US International Trade Commission (ITC) . Jeden Monat, ein paar Tage nach der Freilassung der Volkszählung Daten, die ITC Beiträge verfeinert Daten für inländische Exporte, die nur U. S.-produzierte Exporte und Daten für Importe für den Verbrauch, die Einfuhren für Export-Verarbeitung Zonen entfernt entfernt. Diese ITC-Daten werden in den untergeordneten Handelsvertragsstudien verwendet, die unter Fast Track erforderlich sind und die Grundlage für Projektionen von Handelspakten auf das Wirtschaftswachstum und die Arbeitsplätze bilden. Diese Daten erfassen die von Amerika gefertigten Exporte. Aber die Einfuhrdaten können noch schief sein, weil einige der Importe, die in den Importen für Verbrauch gezählt werden, wieder exportiert werden können. Das heißt, dass die derzeitigen Einfuhrdaten der US-amerikanischen Handelskommissionen nicht detailliert genug sind, um die US-amerikanischen Handelsbilanzen mit zahlreichen Nationen auf der Einfuhrseite zu verzerren, auch wenn sie die falsche Inflation der Exporte korrigieren. Wenn die U. S.-Regierung Daten darüber vorgelegt hat, wo alle Waren, die aus den Vereinigten Staaten exportiert wurden, tatsächlich produziert wurden, dann wäre es möglich, aus den Einfuhrdaten diejenigen Waren zu entnehmen, die am Ende wieder exportiert werden. Kanada verlangt, dass alle Einfuhren ein Land der Produktion angeben. So, zum Beispiel, wenn eine koreanische Firma, die Fernsehgeräte in Mexiko herstellte, um einen zollfreien Zugang zum US-Verbrauchermarkt unter NAFTA zu erhalten, waren, 2 Milliarde in Fernsehapparate in die Vereinigten Staaten zu importieren, aber dann wurden 500 Million dieser Waren re - Exportiert nach Kanada, die kanadischen Daten würden uns wissen lassen, um nur 1,5 Milliarden zu zählen, wie die US-Importe für den Verbrauch. Wenn man auf diese Vorstellung verzichtet, wenn die Trump-Administration verlangt, dass alle U. S.-Exporte ihr Land der Produktion angeben, dann könnte die Importseite der ITC-Daten auf der ganzen Linie perfektioniert werden. In Bezug darauf, wie sie mit dem bestehenden Ansatz übereinstimmt, scheint diese Methode nicht die gesamte Handelsbilanz zu ändern. 0160 Jedoch könnte es die Zahlen um ein bisschen zwischen den Ländern verschieben. Zum Beispiel könnte es das Handelsbilanzdefizit mit China senken und das Handelsdefizit mit Mexiko höher. 0160Die meisten Leute würden sagen, dass die bilateralen Handelsdefizite nicht wichtig sind (und das 40-jährige Gesamthandelsdefizit hat die US-Wirtschaft nicht verletzt), aber das Ziel hier kann sein, neue Nummern zu bekommen und sie für politische Zwecke zu nutzen, vielleicht zu helfen Push für ein quottougherquot Handel mit Mexiko. 0160Will diese Strategiearbeit Die interessantere Frage für mich ist, was genau diese vorgeschlagenen NAFTA-Änderungen werden, da sie wahrscheinlich kommen, unabhängig von der Handelsdefizit-Figur. Americas Beziehung mit der Welthandelsorganisation ist im Begriff, viel komplizierter zu werden. Der Präsident Donald Trump hat sich bereits gedroht, sich aus der Genfer Organisation zurückzuziehen, doch seine Auswahl von Robert Lighthizer, der letzte Woche der nächste US-amerikanische Handelsbeauftragte zu sein, erhöht die Chancen, dass die USA die WTO in ein großes Schlachtfeld verwandeln werden. Lighthizer, ein langjähriger Handelsrechtsanwalt, der seine Karriere verteidigte, um US-Stahlunternehmen und andere inländische Industrien von angeblich unlauteren ausländischen Konkurrenz zu verteidigen, kann erwartet werden, einen Schub für eine große Reform des WTO-Streitbeilegungsprozesses zu machen oder zumindest solch ein aggressives durchzuführen Rechtsstreitstrategie, dass er die Gruppe des gut isolierten Rechtssystems in seinen Kern schütteln könnte, sagen Experten. Das ist ein Gebiet, das Bob gut kennt, sagte ein Handelsanwalt, der eng mit Lighthizer verteidigt hat, der inländische Firmen verteidigt. Er wird versuchen, Druck auf die WTO zu setzen, um einige dieser Ausreißerentscheidungen zu reinigen. Ich bereite mich für das Schlimmste vor, aber ich weiß es wirklich nicht, wo die Trump-Administration Handelspartner versuchen werden, WTO-Streitbeilegung zu nehmen. Ich kann mir etwas vorstellen, was das System völlig untergräbt, aber ich kann mir auch ein paar Verbesserungen vorstellen, die es verbessern. 0160Sehr der Schlüsselbereiche, die sie wahrscheinlich haben wollen, um besondere materielle Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Schutzmaßnahmen, Antidumping - und Ausgleichszöllen sowie den Standard der Überprüfung für diese Art von Fällen zu beantworten. 0160 Ich hoffe, dass Sie einige Stakeholder-Konsultationen bei der Kommenden machen Ihre Ziele und ihre Strategie zu entwickeln. Viele verschiedene Gruppen werden von allem, was sie zu tun versuchen, betroffen sein, und es lohnt sich eine Reihe von Ansichten über den besten Ansatz. Ab Montag, als Russland im Rahmen des DS479-Rechtsstreits eine Beschwerde einlegte, gab es sieben laufende WTO-Beschwerden. Das wird bald enden, da der Berufungsgremium geplant ist, um seinen Bericht in der Rußland-Schweine-Fall bis zum 23. Februar zu verteilen, aber ich möchte hier auf diesem Blog erklären, dass sieben die am meisten anhaltenden Appelle sind, die der Berufungsgremium jemals zu bewältigen hatte . 0160 (ich sollte es wahrscheinlich vorschreiben, bevor ich diese Erklärung mache, aber sieben ist so viele, dass ich zuversichtlich bin, dass dies der Rekord ist.) In dem Prozess des Umzugs zu einem neuen Ansatz für das internationale Investitionsrecht und die Streitbeilegung hat Indien eine Modell BIT, das sich deutlich von älteren Vereinbarungen unterscheidet. Es ist viel besser ausgewogen zwischen den Interessen der Investoren und denen der legitimen öffentlichen Politik. 0160Das Modell BIT enthält z. B. eine abgebildete allgemeine Ausnahmenklausel wie die des GATT-Artikels XX, die die wichtigsten politischen Ziele wie Gesundheit und Umwelt sichert. 0160Versicherung für Enteignung kann weniger als der volle Marktwert sein, um politische Erwägungen wie Umweltauswirkungen zu berücksichtigen. Und Anti-Korruptions - und Corporate-Responsibility-Verpflichtungen werden den Anlegern auferlegt, so dass dies eines der ersten Modelle für eine Investitionsvereinbarung echt nicht einseitig ist, in der Regel Investitionsvereinbarungen belasten die Staaten ohne entsprechende Zuständigkeiten auf Unternehmen, kaum einen gerechten Zustand von Angelegenheiten. Es gibt auch in Indiens Modell eine robuste Erschöpfung der lokalen Heilmittel Bereitstellung: 0160while Erschöpfung scheint wie ein Schritt zurück auf die anachronistische Welt der diplomatischen Espousal ist es eine wohl gerechtfertigte Antwort auf die Art und Weise, in der Schiedsrichter unvorhersehbar erweitert Zuständigkeit, so dass Unternehmen zu Bringen sie Forderungen, wo sie auf ihre Corporate-Struktur reorganisiert haben, um in einen bestimmten Vertrag zu fallen, auch ohne einen wirklichen Kontakt zu dieser Gerichtsbarkeit (das so genannte quotydische Sandwichquot), so dass End-Runs um vertraglich begrenzten Investorenschutz durch die Erhöhung vertraglicher Ansprüche in Vertragsverletzungen (Manchmal durch expansive Lesungen von Quatschklauseln mit vage Aspirationssprache, die darauf hindeutet, dass ein Gastgeberstaat alle Verpflichtungen für Investoren einhalten muss) und die Definition von Investoren, die Sekundärmarktkäufer von Staatsanleihen von Holdouts in Staatsanleihenrestrukturierungen einzubeziehen, die nichts mit dem Gastgeber zu tun haben Land. Es ist eine Herausforderung, in einer solchen Ausdehnung der Zuständigkeit durch Schiedsrichter-Kreativität zu herrschen, da Schiedsrichter Richter sind, und wenn sie die Zuständigkeit erteilen, werden sie gut bezahlt, um den Fall zu hören. Erschöpfung der lokalen Heilmittel scheint ein altmodisches und stumpfes Instrument, aber es hat den Vorteil, dass es nicht einfach ist, dass Schiedsrichter weg interpretieren. Im Rahmen des Übergangs zu seinem neuen Ansatz für den Anlegerschutz hat Indien versucht, seine bestehenden BITs mit einzelnen EU-Mitgliedern zu beenden. 0160Unterdem drängt die Europäische Kommission Indien, die bestehenden Verträge zu erweitern, die seit sechs Monaten die Schutzmaßnahmen für den neuen Ansatz haben. Indien sollte nicht für diesen Schritt fallen, was seine Verhandlungsmacht erheblich untergraben würde, um seine wirtschaftlichen Partner zu ermutigen, neue Verträge auf der Grundlage des Modells BIT von 2016 zu vereinbaren. 0160Die 6-monatige Verlängerung würde den europäischen Unternehmen die Möglichkeit geben, unter das alte Regime einzutreten, was ihnen 10 Jahre oder mehr Schutz auf der Grundlage von Vertragsnormen gibt, die Indien jetzt festgestellt hat, nicht in seinen nationalen Interessen. 0160Any Gesellschaft organisiert, um als ein Staatsangehöriger eines EU-Staates, dass eine alte BIT mit Indien (einschließlich der Ausnutzung der quotDutch Sandwichquot unter der Annahme, dass die Niederlande Vertrag bereits abgelaufen - ist in den Antrag auf Verlängerung enthalten) könnte die 6 Monate verwenden Fenster, um in der de minimus Ebene der Wirtschaftstätigkeit zu engagieren, um als Investor oder Investition im Rahmen der alten Vereinbarungen zu qualifizieren, und dann abhängig von dem Vertrag würden sie garantiert werden 10 bis 15 Jahre Schutz. 0160 Nachdem ich praktisch jedes Unternehmen mit den gesetzlichen Mitteln zugelassen habe, um herauszufinden, wie man als Investor oder Investition von einigen EU-Ländern unter dem alten Vertrag qualifiziert, um 10 bis 15 Jahre Schutz unter dem alten Standard zu sperren (falls dies wirklich der Fall ist Schlägt für die Verlängerung vor), Indien wird wenig Hebelwirkung haben, um die EU zu einer Einigung über ihren neuen Ansatz zu bringen. Die EU kann Hardball spielen, weil sie wissen, dass ihre Firmen das 6-Monats-Fenster benutzt haben, um sich unter den alten Verträgen zu schützen. 0160Es gibt eine gewisse Ironie in der Kommission, weil nach Lissabon es allgemein die Beendigung von Investitionsabkommen zwischen einzelnen EU-Mitgliedstaaten und anderen Staaten angestrebt hat, um die Praxis der Mitgliedstaaten mit der Verschiebung der Zuständigkeit für Investitionen von den Mitgliedstaaten anzupassen Auf EU-Ebene, wie im Vertrag von Lissabon dargelegt. 0160Das Kommissionsvorschlag für die Erweiterung vereitelt seine eigene Politik eines rechtzeitigen und effizienten Übergangs zur Ausübung der Zuständigkeit der EU-Ebene. 0160 0160 Während sie sich gegen einen halben Monat festhalten, kommen alle Verlängerungen der alten Verträge, es ist anspruchsvoll, im Einklang mit diesem jüngsten, 0160, daß Indien offen für die EUCanada-Initiative eines multilateralen Investitionsgerichts sein sollte, nicht Entlassen sie aus der Hand. 0160Concerns über expansive Jurisdiktion kann durch ein gerichtliches Modell behandelt werden, wo stattdessen Schiedsrichter, die von der Zuständigkeit zu profitieren profitieren, hat man Richter, die nicht in sie für persönliche Reichtum Akquisition sind. 0160 Die Zukunft der Handelsverteidigungsinstrumente: Globale Politiktrends und rechtliche Herausforderungen findet vom 30. bis 31. März 2017 in Brüssel statt. Es wird gemeinsam von der Universität Passau, dem Europa-Institut Saarbrücken, dem Institut für Europäer und Internationale, organisiert Wirtschaftsgesetz am Main Trade Institute - Universität Bern und Cleary Gottlieb Steen amp Hamilton LLP. Diese Konferenz wird vor dem Hintergrund der geplanten wichtigen Änderungen an den handelsverteidigungsinstrumenten der Europäischen Union organisiert. Die Konferenz wird (i) die Handelsverteidigungsinstrumente in ihren sozioökonomischen, politischen und rechtlichen Kontexten analysieren (ii) das sich verändernde internationale Umfeld, insbesondere im Hinblick auf den WTO-Rahmen, beschreiben (iii) die EU-Regeln, wie sie heute existieren, Jahre nach dem Inkrafttreten des Vertrags von Lissabon und iv) die geplanten Änderungen dieser Regeln zu berücksichtigen. Schließlich wird die Konferenz (v) die EU-Handelsverteidigungsinstrumente mit anderen damit zusammenhängenden Rechtsinstrumenten wie dem Wettbewerbsrecht oder den regionalen Handelsabkommen kontrastieren. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch die Implikationen für die zukünftige Beziehung mit dem UK nach Brexit analysiert. Sehen Sie sich das komplette Programm an und erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich hier registrieren können. Die offizielle Einladung ist hier zugänglich. Die Trump-Regierung erwägt, die Art und Weise zu ändern, wie sie die Handelsdefizite des US-Handels berechnet, eine Verschiebung, die die Länder-Handelslücke größer machen würde, als es in den vergangenen Jahren war, je nach den an den Diskussionen beteiligten Personen. Die führende Idee, die in Betracht gezogen wird, würde von den Ausfuhren von Waren, die zuerst in das Land eingeführt wurden, ausschließen, wie Autos, und dann in ein Drittland wie Kanada oder Mexiko unverändert übertragen werden, diese Leute sagten dem Wall Street Journal. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler sagen, dass der Ansatz die Handelsdefizitzahlen aufblasen würde, weil sie typischerweise Waren als Importe zählen würde, wenn sie in das Land kommen, aber nicht die gleichen Waren zählen, wenn sie zurückgehen, bekannt als Reexporte. Mehrere Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, die von der Zeitschrift befragt wurden, waren unruhig, um die Wiederausfuhren aus Exporten auszuschließen, aber nicht importe. Als Statistiker wollen Sie in der Regel Symmetrie, sagte Steve Landefeld, ehemaliger BEA-Direktor. Wenn du anfängst, Re-Exporte aus den US-Exportzahlen auszuschließen, hättest du vermutlich aus Symmetriegründen auch die Einfuhrzahlen anpassen wollen.160 Wenn dir das wirklich im Sinn ist, dann weiß ich nicht, wie sich das unterscheidet , Das Defizit um 2 zu multiplizieren oder ein Minuszeichen vor einem bilateralen Handelsüberschuss einzuführen und ein Defizit zu nennen. Aber wie ist es möglich, dass es möglich ist, dass ein höheres Handelsdefizit-Nummer auftauchen könnte, um jemanden zu überzeugen, einen anderen Ansatz für die Handelspolitik zu nehmen. Der Artikel sagt dies: Ein größeres Handelsdefizit würde der Trump-Verwaltungsmunition geben, wenn es darum geht, Um neu verhandelt zu werden, und könnte dazu beitragen, die politische Unterstützung für die Einführung von Tarifen zu fördern. OK, aber die Beschäftigungszahlen haben sich geändert. Die BIP-Wachstumszahlen haben sich geändert. Warum würde ich auf eine andere Handelsdefizit-Nummer hinweisen, die irgendeine Änderung in der Politik verursacht. Ist es wirklich irgendjemand im Kongress oder irgendwo anders, wer würde das als Argument für die Einführung von Tarifen 0160As für die Neuverhandlung kaufen, dachte ich, dass es trotz eines Handelsdefizits kam Nummern. Die Frage dort ist einfach, welche Teile des Handels die Trump-Regierung behandelt, die neu verhandelt werden soll. Bisher haben wir viel davon gehört. Plätzchen und zuckerhaltige Getränke, die bei Regierungsversammlungen serviert werden, sind im Begriff, wegzugehen. So sind importierte Nudeln und Dosen Fisch serviert in touristischen Bungalows. Den Ort nehmen Kokosnüsse, Hummer und Limettensaft. Während viele Regierungen kämpfen, um Soda zu verbieten, um Fettleibigkeit zu bremsen. Der kleine Torba Tourism Council in der abgelegenen pazifischen Insel Nation von Vanuatu plant, alle importierten Lebensmittel in Regierungsfunktionen und touristischen Einrichtungen in den Provinzen 13 bewohnten Inseln zu verbieten. Provinzialführer hoffen, sie stattdessen in Oasen der lokalen Bio-Lebensmittel zu verwandeln. Das Verbot, das im März in Kraft treten soll, kommt, wie viele pazifische Insel-Nationen mit einer Fettleibungskrise kämpfen, die zum Teil durch den Überkonsum von importierten Trödelnahrung verursacht wird. Wir wollen alle anderen Junk-Food aus dieser Provinz verbieten, Luke Dini, der Ratsvorsitzende und ein pensionierter Anglikanischer Priester, sagte in einem Telefoninterview von Torba. Er sagte, die Provinz habe etwa 9.000 Einwohner und bekam weniger als 1.000 Touristen pro Jahr, vor allem Europäer. Herr Dini sagte, dass das anhängige Verbot eine Anstrengung war, die lokale Landwirtschaft zu fördern und eine Antwort auf eine Zunahme von Diabetes und anderen Krankheiten, die Ratsmitglieder in der Vanuatu-Hauptstadt Port-Vila beobachtet haben. Ein umfassenderes Verbot von Trödel-Nahrungsmittelimporten nach Torba könnte mindestens zwei Jahre dauern, fügte er hinzu, und eine endgültige Entscheidung darüber, welche Produkte zu verbieten würden von der nationalen Regierung gemacht werden. Eine offene Frage für Vanuatu, ein Mitglied der Welthandelsorganisation, ist, ob es sich um einen regulatorischen Rückschlag handeln würde, wenn Torba ein umfassendes Junk-Food-Verbot bestanden hätte. Hier sind ein paar Gedanken: Wenn die betrof - fenen Maßnahmen ein Verbot oder ein teilweises Verbot sind, so würden sie die WTO-Verpflichtungen eindeutig verletzen. Wenn stattdessen die Maßnahmen ein Verbot für bestimmte Lebensmittel sind, für die es Beweise dafür gibt, dass sie ungesund sind, unabhängig von ihrem Herkunftsland. Die Maßnahmen sind unwahrscheinlich, dass sie die WTO-Verpflichtungen verletzen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, warum Sie ein formales Verbot für importiertes Essen bei Regierungsfunktionen verhängen müssen. Die beteiligten Regierungsstellen können sich nur für Hummer und Kokosnüsse entscheiden. Die Menge des Handels muss hier ganz klein sein. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es genug Anreiz für jemanden gibt, der eine WTO-Beschwerde einbringt. Wenn der Flugtourismus nach Vanuatu nach Vanuatu fliegen will, werde ich mich in diesem Zeitplan verständigen. Für jeden, der jemals in Kanada gelebt hat oder nach Kanada gefahren ist, gibt es einen unbestreitbaren Factbulet-Likör eine Herausforderung. Die Regeln sind langsam entspannt, allerdings mit Weinverkäufen in Lebensmittelgeschäften, die den Weg führen. 0160 Ich erinnere mich an eine Reise nach Toronto ein paar Jahre zurück, wo ein Laden in einem Laden-Setup in einem Lebensmittelgeschäft ermöglicht es Ihnen, holen Sie eine Flasche Wein (und fast alles andere) auf Ihrem Weg aus. Ich dachte, das war ziemlich klug und reduzierte den Ärger, einen weiteren Zwischenstopp zu machen. Meine Heimat Provinz British Columbia war ein wenig spät in der folgenden Anzug, aber es war toll zu hören, dass Wein in Lebensmittelgeschäften bis 2015 verkauft werden. Allerdings war ich ein wenig enttäuscht zu finden, gab es nur ein paar Läden in der Metro - Vancouver Bereich, und nur 14 in allen BC. Die derzeit lizenziert sind, um Wein zu verkaufen. Ineffiziente Roll-out beiseite, die Gesetzgebung und ihre Anwendung hat zu einem Antrag auf Konsultationen bei der WTO von den Vereinigten Staaten geführt. Warum ist es wirklich, wie das Lizenzierungssystem funktioniert, und die Auswahlmöglichkeiten für Lebensmittelgeschäfte. Es gibt zwei grundlegende Optionen: entweder einen Laden - in einem Laden, der sowohl harte Likör verkaufen kann, als auch Wein, importiert und inländisch oder, um Wein direkt auf Lebensmittelgeschäftsregale zu platzieren, aber nur den Verkauf von BC Wein. Die letztgenannte Option, wie im Handbuch des Wine Store Terms and Conditions erläutert, ist technisch eine BC VQA (Vintners Quality Alliance) Weinladenlizenz, die den Verkauf von Wein erlaubt, der aus 100 B. C. Landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse (einschließlich Apfelwein, Met und Sake) aus Lebensmittelgeschäften. Ein Grund hierfür ist die Wahl der Wahl ist die Tatsache, dass in BC, Liquor Läden müssen mindestens 1 Kilometer entfernt, eine Regel, die nicht gelten für Geschäfte nur Verkauf von Wein. Dies ist potenziell ein Problem, weil Likör-Läden neigen dazu, eng an Lebensmittelgeschäften sowieso gelegen, und daher ein Lebensmittelgeschäft konnte nicht diese Option verwenden. Derzeit von allen Lebensmittelgeschäften, die Wein in BC verkaufen, haben keiner den Laden in einem Ladenmodell übernommen. Nun hat Simon schon einige interessante Wege gemacht, wie dieser Streit hier spielen kann. Insbesondere im Hinblick auf sub-nationale Maßnahmen, die faszinierend sein werden. Ich möchte nur auf die Aufmerksamkeit konzentrieren, aber auf einem sehr grundlegenden Punkt, dass ich denke, ist sicher zu helfen, die GATT III: 4 Anspruch. Mit der Hilfe meines Bruders, den ich in das Feld geschickt habe, um zu sehen, wie diese Läden aussehen, stelle ich die folgenden Exponate vor: Jetzt denke ich, BC Wein ist großartig, aber ein eifriger Freiberufler wie ich selbst sieht rote Fahnen aus (Wörtlich in diesem Fall). 0160Apparent, so auch die US-Regierung, die zur WTO-Beschwerde führte. Also die Frage, die bleibt, hat Kanada eine Verteidigung hier ist es möglich, dass wir etwas Ähnliches wie Korea-Beef sehen werden. Wo es argumentiert wird, dass ein Dual-Retail-System notwendig war, um betrügerische und täuschende Praktiken entgegenzuwirken oder wird Kanada mit einer weiteren klugen Rechtfertigung für das, was scheint ein sehr klarer Fall von Diskriminierung Kanadischen Herzensbrecher und Panda-Liebhaber 0160 (und Premierminister) Justin Trudeau war gestern in DC, um sich mit Präsident Trump zu treffen, und es gab einige kurze Diskussionen über den Handel: PRESIDENT TRUMP: 0160. Wir haben eine sehr hervorragende Handelsbeziehung mit Kanada. 0160Well werden es zwicken 0160Wenn irgendwelche Dinge tun, die für unsere beiden Länder profitieren werden. 0160It eine viel weniger schwere Situation als das, was an der südlichen Grenze stattfindet. An der südlichen Grenze, für viele, viele Jahre, war die Transaktion nicht fair zu den Vereinigten Staaten. Es war eine äußerst unfaire Transaktion. 0160Wurde mit Mexiko arbeiten, würden es für beide Parteien fair machen. 0160 Ich denke, das würde sich gut mit Mexiko verständigen, das sie verstehen und verstehen wir. Also für Kanada, NAFTA wird nur Tweaks, diejenigen, die beide Länder profitieren werden. Welche Art von Tweaks haben sie im Sinn 0160Es gab auch diese Aussage: Die Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada erkennen auch die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit zur Förderung des Wirtschaftswachstums, bieten unseren Verbrauchern und Unternehmen Vorteile und fördern den freien und fairen Handel Unser Dialog über regulatorische Fragen und verfolgt geteilte regulatorische Ergebnisse, die geschäftsfreundlich sind, Kosten senken und die Wirtschaftlichkeit steigern, ohne die Gesundheits-, Sicherheits - und Umweltstandards zu beeinträchtigen.160 Wir arbeiten gemeinsam an der Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte in verschiedenen Wirtschaftssektoren.0160 I39m nicht sicher Was dies bedeutet, aber erlauben TransCanada, die Keystone-Pipeline zu bauen und die Beseitigung verschiedener US-Vorschriften sind wahrscheinlich als ein positiver in der kanadischen Wirtschaft zu sehen. Das Weiße Haus erforscht eine neue Taktik, um China davon abzuhalten, seine Währung zu unterschätzen, um die Exporte zu steigern, Teil einer sich entwickelnden Trump-Verwaltungsstrategie, um die Praktiken des größten Handelspartners der USA zu lösen, während sie von der direkten Konfrontation zurücktreten. Im Rahmen des Plans würde der Handelssekretär die Praxis der Währungsmanipulation als eine ungerechte Subvention bezeichnen, wenn er von irgendeinem Land eingesetzt wird, anstatt China zu vertreten, sagte, dass die Leute über die Politik informiert oder beteiligt waren. U. S.-Unternehmen würden dann in der Lage sein, antisubidische Aktionen selbst in die U. S. Commerce-Abteilung gegen China oder andere Länder zu bringen. Die Währungspläne sind Teil einer China-Strategie, die von der New Houses neue National Trade Council zusammengestellt wird, die die Ziele der herausfordernden China ausgleichen will, während sie immer noch die Beziehungen zum Land auf einem gleichmäßigen Kiel halten. Um dies zu tun, würden auch Maßnahmen gegen China für andere Nationen gelten. Die Verwaltung würde vermeiden, zumindest für jetzt, konfrontative Ansprüche zu machen, ob China seine Währung für den Handel profitiert, 0160 die Leute sagten. Der Umzug könnte ein Zeichen sein, dass die Trump-Regierung ihre Haltung auf China erweicht. Während seiner Präsidentschaftskampagne drohte Donald Trump, China einen Währungmanipulator am ersten Tag seiner Verwaltung zu etikettieren, was er nicht tat. Er drohte auch 45 tarifs auf chinesische Waren zu schlagen, eine Idee, die er vor kurzem nicht erhoben hat. Während eines Telefongesprächs mit dem chinesischen Präsidenten Xi Jinping letzte Woche hat Präsident Trump eine Bedrohung über die Ein-China-Politik zurückgelegt, die die Pekinger Souveränität über Taiwan anerkennt. Herr Trump sagte, die U. S. würden die One China Politik ehren. Nach dem Weißen Haus, nachdem er früher bedroht war, konnte er es nicht tun, es sei denn, China machte große Zugeständnisse auf den Handel. Aber die Währungsbewegung, wenn sie in Kraft gesetzt wird, ist verpflichtet, umstritten zu sein, weil sie die Regeln der Welthandelsorganisation verletzen kann. Andere Länder sind auch sicher, ähnliche Maßnahmen gegen die US-Exporte zu ergreifen und könnten argumentieren, dass die Federal Reserve-Politik, die den Dollar schwächen, als Subventionen qualifizieren. Die Obama-Regierung, die sich um solche Konsequenzen kümmerte, entschied sich gegen die Benennung von Währungspraktiken als Subvention. Ist dies mehr Beweis für die Realität der Trump39s Handelspolitik, die nicht mit seiner Rhetorik übereinstimmt 0160Dieser Ansatz wäre sicherlich viel besser als die Einführung eines 45-Tarifs auf alle chinesischen Waren, und es kann am Ende nicht verwendet werden, da die Währungsmanipulation in letzter Zeit vermindert zu sein scheint . Eine neue DOC-Politik dieser Art wird dort als eine mögliche Quelle von Tarifen verbleiben, und WTO-Rechtsstreitigkeiten über ihre Konsequenz mit dem SCM-Übereinkommen ist wahrscheinlich, wenn es jemals aufgerufen wird (und es könnte auch eine Quoten wie eine Herausforderung davor geben) . 0160Die Chancen, dass neue Regeln in diesem Bereich in Verletzung gefunden werden, hängen von den Details der Methodik ab, die möglicherweise nicht für eine Weile verfügbar sind, auch wenn dies der Ansatz ist, auf den sie sich berufen. Jeder, der mit dem Kevin BradyPaul Ryan quotBlueprintquot Cash Flow Tax vertraut ist, scheint zuzustimmen, dass die erste Verteidigungslinie der Vereinigten Staaten vor einem WTO-Gremium zu behaupten, dass diese Steuer der Mehrwertsteuer entspricht (Mehrwertsteuer). 0160Ernen wir uns daran erinnern, dass die Mehrwertsteuer ausdrücklich in Fußnote 58 des SCM als indirekte Steuer anerkannt wird. Diese Art von Steuer ist für die Grenzsteueranpassung in Betracht und stellt keine Ausfuhrsubvention dar (Fußnote 1 des SCM). Viele Beobachter haben jedoch festgestellt, dass diese Art von nicht-formalistischen Rechtsstreitigkeiten von einem WTO0160-Gremium oder dem Berufungsgremium nicht akzeptiert werden kann. Das Ziel dieses 0160post ist, dass diese Schlussfolgerung vorzeitig ist. In Boeing musste die Berufungsinstanz feststellen, ob die NASA - und USDOD-Zahlungen an Boeing für die Durchführung von Forschung eine direkte Geldüberweisung im Sinne von Artikel 1.1 (a) (1) (i) des SCM darstellen. Angesichts einer Abwesenheit der Definition des Ausdrucks der direkten Übertragung von Mitteln hat die Berufungsinstanz auf eine Art von Argumentation zurückgegriffen, die für die Geldflusssteuer sehr relevant sein kann: Wir erinnern daran, dass nach Buchstabe i ein finanzieller Beitrag besteht, wenn a Die staatliche Praxis beinhaltet eine direkte Geldüberweisung. Es werden mehrere Beispiele für direkte Geldtransfers zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese Beispiele sind nicht erschöpfend. Wo, wie hier, gibt es Maßnahmen, die mit einem der Beispiele in Unterabsatz (i) 0160, 0160debt-to-Equity-Swaps, genügend charakteristisch sind. Diese Gemeinsamkeit weist uns darauf hin, dass die Maßnahmen in den Begriff der direkten Geldtransfers in Artikel 1.1 (a) (1) (i) fallen .0160 Diese Situation ähnelt dem, was in einem Cashflow-Steuerfall vor einem WTO-Panel geschehen würde. Die Fußnote 58 des SCM bietet keine materielle Definition einer indirekten Steuer an. Es gibt nur Beispiele für indirekte Steuern und eine tautologische Restkategorie, die auf einer anderen als einer direkten Steuer beruht, die in der gleichen Fußnote selbst schlecht definiert ist: Der Begriff quotindirect taxesquot Bedeutet Umsatz, Verbrauch, Umsatz, Wertschöpfung. franchise, stamp, transfer, inventory and equipment taxes, border taxes and all taxes other than direct taxes and import charges The Boeing precedent indicates that if the United States could present a prima facie case that the cash flow tax has quotsufficient characteristics in common with a TVA tax, it could prevail. In other words, when confronted with an absence (or poor) definition of a category, the Boeing precedent shows that the Appellate Body is not allergic to non-formalistic arguments based of commonality criteria with an example provided in a list. For the Appellate Body, this method has the great advantage of avoiding to give risky abstract definitions of poorly defined categories, while nonetheless 0160resolving the dispute at issue. President Trumps National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn today announced the following additions to the National Security Council senior staff. Kenneth I. Juster will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs.0160 He will coordinate the Administrations international economic policy and integrate it with national security and foreign policy.0160 He will also be the Presidents representative and lead U. S. negotiator (Sherpa) for the annual G-7, G-20, and APEC Summits.0160 Juster has previously served in the U. S. Government as Under Secretary of Commerce (2001-2005), Counselor (Acting) of the Department of State (1992-1993), Deputy and Senior Advisor to Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger (1989-1992), and Law Clerk to Judge James L. Oakes of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (1980-1981).0160 In the private sector, Juster has been a Partner and Managing Director at the global investment firm Warburg Pincus (2010-2017), Executive Vice President of salesforce (2005-2010), and Senior Partner at the law firm Arnold amp Porter (1981-1989, 1993-2001).0160 Juster has also served as Chairman of the Advisory Committee of Harvards Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Vice Chairman of the Board of the Asia Foundation, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the American Academy of Diplomacy.0160 Among his honors, Juster is the recipient of the Secretary of Commerces William C. Redfield Award and the Secretary of States Distinguished Service Award.0160 Juster holds an A. B. in Government from Harvard College, a Masters Degree in Public Policy from Harvards Kennedy School, and a J. D. from the Harvard Law School. On twitter, Luke Peterson pointed out that Juster has worked in the investment arbitration field (e. g. here ). Does that tell us anything about what a Trump administration will think of ISDS More generally, I still have very little idea how the battle between establishment and anti-establishment members of Trump39s international economics team will play out. Over at Opinio Juris, Julian Ku writes the following about a0160draft executive order on multilateral treaties 0160being considered by the Trump administration: The draft executive order on multilateral treaties is potentially more significant because the President has broad powers to withdraw from treaties.0160 But the order itself simply creates another committee to review U. S. participation in all multilateral treaties that the U. S. is negotiating, in the process of considering ratification, or already ratified and joined. 0160The committee is instructed to recommend whether the U. S. should continue negotiating, ratifying, or being part of those treaties. The only unusual part of this process is to elevate treaty review to an interagency committee. But such a review process is reasonable for any new administration.0160 The only real action in the draft order is a moratorium on submitting new treaties to the President or the Senate absent a committee recommendation.0160 This might slow down the already slow treaty ratification process, but given the glacial pace of Senate consideration of most treaties, I doubt this moratorium will have much an effect. The draft order starts off as follows: In recent decades, there has been a proliferation of multilateral treaties that purport to regulate0160activities that are domestic in nature. For example, the UN Convention on the Elimination of0160All Forms of Discrimination Against Women is an international treaty that, according to the international committee officially charged with interpreting it, would, among0160other things, prohibit the celebration of Mother39s Day and require the decriminalization of0160prostitution. Likewise, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has been interpreted to0160prohibit spanking. Whether one agrees or disagrees with these outcomes as a substantive policy0160matter, these are not appropriate matters for international treaties. To the contrary, these types of0160treaties are emblematic of a larger problem, whereby these treaties are used to force countries to0160adhere to often radical domestic agendas that could not, themselves, otherwise be enacted in0160accordance with a country39s domestic laws. One thing that I39ve been puzzling about in relation to trade agreements is how the Trump administration will view the inclusion of issues that relate to quotactivities that are domestic in nature. quot 0160Some examples of this are intellectual property protection, labor rights, and the environment. 0160Yes, these things do affect trade, but probably no more than, say, discrimination against women. 0160Will the Trump administration pull back on using trade agreements to regulate domestic activities, or will they use the existing model From the WTO Appellate Body and0160National Law University, Delhi:0160 The Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO), together with National Law University, Delhi, is organizing the WTO20 Conference in New Delhi on 16-18 February 2017 to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the WTO. Five highly successful conferences as part of the WTO20 series have already been held at Florence (Italy), Seoul (South Korea), Beijing (China), Cancun (Mexico), and Cambridge (USA). The Conference in New Delhi (India) will be the final event of the series. Coming at a time when the world has witnessed significant developments in the areas of global cooperation and economic relations, the Conference will reflect on the current state and the future prospects of the multilateral trade regime, in general, and its legal disciplines, in particular. Over the course of three days, the WTO20 Conference in New Delhi will bring together leading practitioners, adjudicators, business leaders, policymakers, diplomats, and academics working in the field of international trade and law. Details about the Conference, including the program and registration information, are available on the Conference website: ciipc. orgwto20 The Conference will feature a keynote speech by Mr Arvind Subramanian, the Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India, on India39s role and interests in the multilateral trade regime. The keynote will be followed by a roundtable discussion titled quotThe New Global Politics: Is There Space for Trade Multilateralismquot The Conference sessions will develop on six main themes: The WTO and trade in services The evolution of, and challenges posed by, trade remedy disputes at the WTO Addressing non-trade concerns at the WTO The role of the WTO in international intellectual property governance The WTO dispute settlement system and other areas of global governance and Developing countries39 participation in WTO dispute settlement. For further details please visit the Conference website ciipc. orgwto20 or email the Organizers at wto20conferencenludelhi. ac. in. See the draft program here . Q016001600160 If I could just -- MR. SPICER:0160 Hold on. Q016001600160 -- ask real quick on trade.0160 Now that notices have been given to the TPP countries, are you considering any changes in the roles of your three sort of official trade negotiators0160 And what area of the globe are you going to start first on negotiations MR. SPICER:0160 Well, there39s no change in their roles.0160 I39m not entirely sure. I think they -- as announced -- Q016001600160 (Inaudible) negotiator -- MR. SPICER:0160 He is the U. S. -- I mean, he39s got to be confirmed first, but the U. S. trade representative is clearly the leader of negotiating trade deals.0160 Wilbur Ross and Peter Navarro and Jason Greenblatt -- there39s a great, unbelievably robust, brilliant team that has continued to work on behalf of deals and renegotiating, looking at them.0160 So it39s a two-step process. I think, number one, we39re going to reexamine all of the current trade deals, figure out if we can re-improve them.0160 But secondly, I think we39re going to start talking to other countries around the globe, including some of those TPP partners.0160 I think of the 11 other countries, five of them we have current trade deals with.0160 So you would examine those to see if we can improve upon them and then look at the other countries in there and see if there39s a willingness to engage with some of those other countries. Based on this and other recent statements, it sounds like we will be reexamining existing bilateral trade deals, negotiating new bilateral trade deals, and perhaps dis-aggregating some plurilateral deals into bilateral deals. That part is pretty clear. 0160But I39m not at all clear on what will be in0160these new agreements.0160 Job description There can be few more vital or unique roles at this exciting and challenging time for the UK than that of Chief Trade Negotiation Adviser (also Second Permanent Secretary) of the new Department for International Trade (DIT). To support the Departments aims of driving exports and inward investment into the UK, this individual will act as principal adviser to the Secretary of State for International Trade on negotiation of non-EU trade deals as the UK creates new trading relationships around the globe. Working closely with DITs Permanent Secretary, to whom this role reports, and to the Secretary of State and Ministers, this individual will lead the Departments Trade Policy Group establishing it as a centre of excellence for British trade, as well as ensuring the Department has the right resources and governance arrangements to underpin the development and implementation of trade policy. She will also act as Head of Profession for Trade specialists across Whitehall, building and leading a strong team and promoting a collaborative culture across government and with the UKs overseas network. As a Second Permanent Secretary, the post-holder will also play a critical role in contributing to the collective leadership of the Civil Service. The successful candidate will: - Have extensive experience of overseeing and leading complex and large scale trade negotiations on an international basis. - Bring significant experience of influencing trade policy. - Have a personal reputation of the highest order among global trade professionals. - Bring inspiring and empowering leadership skills with evidence of the ability to build, lead and develop high performing teams. - Demonstrate the ability to forge strong relationships with a complex network of key partners nationally and internationally, across the private and public sectors. - Be politically astute, with the resilience and ability to operate under high levels of scrutiny. Whilst this is not a media facing role, experience of media handling is desirable. This is a Senior Civil Service at Pay Band Level 4 role, and the salary will be up to 160,000. This is subject to ministerial approval, and more may be available for an exceptional candidate. Russell Reynolds Associates is advising the Department for International Trade on this appointment. For further information about the role and how to apply, please visit rraresponses The closing date for applications is Noon, 27 February 2017. I was intrigued that on the left of the page it says quotHoursquot and underneath is the number 42. Is that the number of hours worked on week-ends Prime Minister Theresa May was here in DC on Friday to talk to President Donald Trump, and a US-UK trade agreement was one of the items they discussed : At the top of the agenda is trade. as the two leaders try to navigate the U. S.-U. K. relationship. Mrs. May said she and Mr. Trump had constructive discussions about a future trade deal between the two countries. We are at a moment now when we can build an even stronger special relationship, Mrs. May said. Mrs. May said she spoke with Mr. Trump about how the U. K. and U. S. can start high-level talks to lay the groundwork for a trade agreement. The U. S. is a more important export destination for the U. K. than vice versa: After the EU, where nearly half of British exports go, the U. S. is the U. K.s biggest overseas market.0160 I get the sense that many people on both sides of the Atlantic are excited about this, and it does seem like one of the most positive things on the trade agenda right now.0160In terms of the actual negotiations, it would probably be one of the quicker ones, although there are a number of questions about when the UK can actually start negotiating (legal and political barriers arising from talks with the EU hiring more trade negotiators). But0160trade negotiations can take a while, especially when complex and controversial issues are included.0160One thing I see already is some excitement about the possibility of addressing regulatory barriers to trade. This is from a recent article in the Economist : gummy regulations hold back commerce. Britain sends relatively few cars to America, for instance, partly because America and the EU use different safety standards. America has turned its nose up at British meat since a food-safety crisis in the 1980s. Haggis, a Scottish delicacy containing sheep heart, liver and lungs, is in effect banned. A bonfire of rules and tariffs could help certain industries. Haggis makers are delighted by rumours that Mr Trump, whose mother was born in Scotland, wants to lift the ban. (Consider it done, he supposedly told one hotelier following his election.) Alan Winters of the UK Trade Policy Observatory at Sussex University says that British consumers could benefit if the home market were opened to cheap American food. Britain might allow in genetically modified crops, which are regulated more heavily in the EU, or buy from Americas highly competitive beef farmers. But as the car industry shows, it is not tariffs but non-tariff barriers, such as differing regulations, that most impede British-American trade. One research paper finds that in the chemicals industry, EU exports to America face non-tariff barriers equivalent to a tariff of about 20. I worry a bit that we will see a repeat of what happened with the TTIP. 0160The TTIP was supposed to be all about getting rid of regulatory barriers, but when the two sides sat down to talk about things, it became clear that they had different conceptions of the problem. 0160In addition, many civil society groups were concerned about the impact on domestic regulation (some worried that domestic regulation would be undermined others worried that the level of regulation would be increased). Don39t get me wrong, I think there is potential for international agreements to address certain regulatory barriers. I stand by an article I wrote with Inu in the context of the TTIP. 0160As I recall it (Inu can weigh in if she remembers it differently), some of our points were that: 0160voluntary cooperation may work better than binding rules for dealing with regulatory issues people should not over-promise on the economic impact of addressing regulatory barriers and we should go slow by focusing on sectors that are less sensitive. On the last point, to take an example, allowing imports of British haggis is probably not going to bother too many Americans.0160In contrast, when I see statements like quotBritain might allow in genetically modified cropsquot as part of a trade agreement discussion, I start to worry. If a trade agreement addresses genetically modified foods, there is no doubt there will be protests and controversy, and one tank of gas may not be enough to get it done. My head is spinning trying to keep track of what is real and what is just rhetoric. Here is more from Trump39s press secretary : It was not clear exactly how the Trump administration would impose the new tax on Mexican exports. But Spicer said it would be part of a broader plan to tax imports from countries with which the United States has a trade deficit, like Mexico. If you tax that 50 billion at 20 percent of imports which is by the way a practice that 160 other countries do right now our countrys policy is to tax exports and let imports flow freely in, which is ridiculous, Spicer told reporters. By doing it that we can do 10 billion a year and easily pay for the wall just through that mechanism alone. Thats really going to provide the funding. Obviously, 160 other countries are not imposing a 20 percent tax on imports. 0160Some of them are imposing a general VAT, and this applies to domestic products and imports. 0160But that39s very different. So what exactly is being talked about here 0160Would the Trump administration really impose a 20 tax on Mexican imports 0160That would start an old-fashioned trade war and U. S. participation in the trading system could unravel. 0160Or is this just rhetoric and negotiation, and cooler, wiser heads will step in 0160Is this the U. S. tax reform that is under discussion Suddenly I39m much more pessimistic about all of this. The White House on Thursday appeared to endorse a 20 percent tax on all imports to the United States, only to insist a few hours later that it was not endorsing the plan. Congressional Republicans have proposed the import tax as part of a broader overhaul of corporate taxation, and Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, told reporters that revenue from the tax would cover the cost of a wall on the United States-Mexico border. Representative Kevin Brady, the Texas Republican who authored the plan, told Fox News Thursday afternoon that President Trump appeared to be on board with it after an appearance by Mr. Trump at a retreat for congressional Republicans in Philadelphia. But later on Thursday, Mr. Spicer convened reporters again to say that the tax was just one option under consideration to pay for the wall. Reince Priebus, the presidents chief of staff, told NBC News that the proposal was just one in a buffet of options. Here39s my question: If the U. S. imposes a VAT-like tax, and says the money raised from taxing Mexican imports is paying for the border wall, could the Europeans say the money raised from taxing US imports with their VAT is being used to pay for socialized health care This is from a group of European academics, from more than 15 countries, who quotset out their belief that a more critical reflection is needed on what an effective and democratic decision-making process in the EU requiresquot: For strong and democratically legitimized EU international agreements 25 January 2017 The complications surrounding the signing of the EUs comprehensive economic and trade agreement with Canada (CETA) have imperiled the ability of the EU to engage effectively in international trade negotiations. Some academics have endorsed proposals that would further weaken the EUs international standing (see for example the Namur declaration). While not prejudging the content of the policies to be adopted by the EU, we strongly believe that current procedures, when properly implemented, ensure democratic legitimacy for the EUs international agreements at multiple levels (going beyond what is known in federal countries like the United States). Arguments implying the contrary are most regrettable. Based on the founding Rome Treaty of 1957 the EU has had exclusive competence over international trade policy. This allowed the Member States to benefit fully from the EU39s combined bargaining power and to avoid the distortions inherent in diverging national policies. The decision to adopt a system of qualified majority voting enabled the EU to act effectively. This is how decision-making has worked according to the EU treaties: the Commission proposes initiatives for the negotiation of new international agreements the Council of Ministers decides on them. Once this decision is taken, the Commission then negotiates such agreements, with the assistance of the Member States. Finally, the Council decides whether to sign and conclude them. The EU Member States remain involved in all these steps through their role in the Council. The Lisbon Treaty of 2007 belatedly involved the European Parliament in the conduct of the EUs international economic policy, by giving it the right of consent before the Council can ratify trade and most other agreements. Moreover, it was agreed that the Commission shall immediately and fully inform the European Parliament at all stages of the negotiations. Since then the European Parliament has made meaningful contributions in this field. It has shown that, if necessary, it will not hesitate to reject the ratification of international agreements, in particular when fundamental rights are at issue (ACTA the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Swift agreement). As the EU matured, and international economic relations evolved, the EUs exclusive powers over international trade policy expanded considerably so, as enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty of 2007. These exclusive powers also came to cover other economic issues, notably where the EU had legislated. Although not binding on the European Court of Justice, the recent Opinion of Advocate-General Sharpston on the EU-Singapore Agreement (215) is illustrative. She finds that most issues now included in comprehensive economic and trade agreements squarely fall within the EUs exclusive competence. Few issues are mixed and belong to the shared competence of the EU institutions and the Member States in her Opinion. The recent insistence of national and in some instances regional governments to participate in their own name in the EUs conclusion of international economic and trade agreements disregards the principles established in the EU treaties. These attempts weaken the EUs position in international relations. They needlessly complicate and delay decision-making, as unanimity amongst many players becomes the rule -- also allowing a particular local interest to veto the interests of all other EU citizens even in areas where EU Member States have decided to act collectively. Moreover, these attempts undermine the role of the European Parliament, and by doing so weaken democratic legitimacy at the EU level Agreements covering issues belonging to the EUs exclusive competence should be clearly distinguished from so-called mixed agreements covering issues where both the EU and the Member states share competence. Each type of agreement should follow its own signing and ratification processes. Agreements that principally cover issues falling within the EUs exclusive competence should not be made artificially mixed. The Courts ruling on the EU-Singapore Agreement (215) will be guiding. In respect of both types of agreements, more engagement by national as well as regional parliaments would be welcome in respect of the positions taken by their national governments. Where international agreements are concerned that involve the exclusive competence of the EU, particularly as this competence has grown, national and regional parliaments should engage more with the positions taken by their governments in the EU institutions, notably the Council of Ministers (regarding the negotiations, the signing, the provisional application and ultimately the ratification of the international trade agreements). Of course, national governments should make allowance for a proper discussion and distribute the necessary information, which they receive from the European Commission, to their parliaments. As the European Parliament represents the citizens of the Union, this Parliament has the mandate to test and debate the decision-making on the EUs international trade policy at the European level. It should give or withhold its consent to trade agreements on the basis of its views on European interests and values. All EU institutions should be transparent about the objectives they pursue through the EUs international trade policy, including their positions in respect of the EUs international trading partners. All private stakeholders (not just foreign investors) should have access to effective surveillance mechanisms regarding the compliance of the signatories with their obligations under these international trade agreements (including obligations on sustainability, environmental, social and health protection). President Trump today signed executive actions to accelerate the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects and to decree that American steel should be used for pipelines built in the United States. I want to see the precise language of the requirement (should be available later today), but this looks like a probable violation of international trade agreements.0160I wrote about this 0160issue a while back, when Congress0160considered a similar requirement: Senator Al Franken recently sponsored an amendment to proposed legislation approving the Keystone pipeline that would require the pipeline be built with only American steel and other inputs.0160 Specifically, the amendment stated : quotto the maximum extent consistent with the obligations of the United States under international trade agreements, none of the iron, steel, or manufactured goods used in the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and facilities approved by this Act may be produced outside of the United States. quot0160 (There were exceptions for situations where such goods are not produced in the United States, and where use of domestic goods would increase costs by more than 25 percent.) The amendment was defeated. but nonetheless it has interesting U. S. law implications that I don39t quite understand. 0160It seems pretty clear that a law requiring a private company to use domestic inputs in this way violates GATT Article III:4. 0160So what does it mean, under U. S. law, to qualify such a local content requirement with quotto the maximum extent consistent with the obligations of the United States under international trade agreementsquot 0160If it is not in any way consistent with international obligations to require domestic content, does the domestic content requirement simply have no effect under U. S. law 0160How would a U. S. court evaluate whether such a requirement is consistent with international trade agreements Does whatever Trump signed today have a similar qualification related to international trade agreements I suspect it might not.0160I39m also curious about the domestic law aspects of doing this by Executive action. Is it possible for Congress to step in here With regard to the international law considerations, is there any possible counter-argument to the Article III:4 violation I can39t think of a good one. Seems like a straightforward domestic content requirement. Will Canada or other countries bring a WTO complaint Does it depend on the actual impact of the measure Whose steel was likely to be used in these pipelines in the absence of such a requirement Even if it was to be U. S. steel anyway, there is a principle here. The U. S. has been challenging domestic content requirements in other countries for years now. If it tries to impose domestic content requirements of its own, someone is going to push back. Then there is NAFTA Chapter 11. TransCanada may be so happy to get the pipeline approved that it decides to live with the domestic steel requirement, but it seems clear it has0160a good claim under this provision: Article 1106: Performance Requirements 1. No Party may impose or enforce any of the following requirements, or enforce any commitment or undertaking, in connection with the establishment, acquisition, expansion, management, conduct or operation of an investment of an investor of a Party or of a non-Party in its territory: (c) to purchase, use or accord a preference to goods produced or services provided in its territory. There could be other claims as well, but this was the most obvious one. It looks like Trump is going to test the world trading system right away. 0160We have gone beyond words into actions. It will be interesting to see how other countries respond. ADDED: Another issue might be, do you challenge the Executive action that was taken today Or0160is it better to0160wait to bring the complaint until approval of an actual pipeline takes place I sense some possible mandatorydiscretionary issues here, but again, I want to see the language of the requirement. Having just seen the Presidential memo ( no link yet here39s the link ), the situation is very different than what I understood from the initial press report. 0160Here39s the key language: The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with all relevant executive departments and agencies, shall develop a plan under which all new pipelines, as well as retrofitted, repaired, or expanded pipelines, inside the borders of the United States, including portions of pipelines, use materials and equipment produced in the United States, to the maximum extent possible and to the extent permitted by law. The Secretary shall submit the plan to the President within 180 days of the date of this memorandum. So the action today calls for the Secretary of Commerce to quotdevelop a planquot for the use of domestic steel in pipelines. That suggests there may not be a measure that can be challenged just yet.0160 Also, as the various departments and agencies consult on this, they are likely to have an internal debate about the precise scope of the requirement. 0160One thing they will talk about is the qualification that the domestic steel requirement will only apply0160quotto the extent permitted by law. quot If quotlawquot here includes international trade agreements (or domestic implementing legislation), they are leaving themselves the discretion not to apply the requirement to countries with whom the U. S. has trade agreements. So, before judging the consistency of the domestic steel requirement announced today0160with trade agreements, we will have to await this future plan, and see how they have implemented the requirement. For those of you trying to figure out where the Trump administration is going with trade policy, here are a few tidbits from Sean Spicer (the White House press secretary) at yesterday39s press conference: QUESTION: (inaudible) news. After the executive order withdrawing the U. S. from the TPP, what specific steps will President Trump take to expand U. S. trade opportunities abroad SPICER: Well, again, I -- I think when he talks to Prime Minister May, he39s gonna have a great conversation about the potential for greater trade with the U. K. I mentioned earlier when he met with these manufacturers this morning, that was, you know, right up there at the top of that list, how can we get greater market access What are the specific challenges that these manufacturers are facing getting market access in the countries around the globe And that39s an important issue. So it39s not -- it39s not just other countries, but within existing trade deals, we can figure out is there a trade dispute that can be settled with the WTO, is there a revision to one of the existing trade treaties that we have now But there39s a lot that can be done. There are things that Congress can update to make sure that we39re importing and exporting more to benefit American businesses. QUESTION: TPP was dead on arrival (inaudible), so why this executive order anything more than symbolic And when will President Trump start negotiating those bilateral deals with the 11 other countries in the Asia-Pacific Could take some time and that could be, some would say, giving China, you know, room to make an inroad. SPICER: Well, first, I would argue that bilateral deals are mostly what China39s been engaging in, and that39s something that I just said that we39re gonna -- you know, the president39s gonna look to countries to engage with. QUESTION: (inaudible) 11 TPP countries SPICER: Most of them we have existing trade agreements with -- or a good chunk of them, we have existing trade agreements to -- to being with. This was an expansion of that, and some in areas, it allowed, whether it was the service industry, financial services, additional market access. But I think that this is -- this is not a deal that was in our country39s best interest. The president could have come into office -- a president could have come into office and renegotiated it and sent people back to the drawing board. It hadn39t gone to Congress yet because it wasn39t finalized. I think this president pulling out of the agreement is not just about this one agreement, but I think it39s symbolic both here in America and around the world of a new era of trade policy, one that39s going to put American workers first and foremost and one that assures the rest of the world that the way that we negotiate bilateral agreements is going to ensure that we get something out of these deals. As I mentioned to John a minute ago, I mean, the problem with multilateral agreements is that often, we -- it becomes the lowest common denominator on so many things. And for the U. S. (inaudible) already has low tariffs and other service industry benefits for countries, you know, we39ve gotta be able to make sure we39re going out and fighting for the American worker. QUESTION: So (ph) you39re not gonna renegotiate, to be clear. SPICER: We pulled out of TPP. QUESTION: No but if all the existing. SPICER: I39m -- I39m not gonna -- there -- we39ll have further updates on trade issues later this week, Jennifer (ph). QUESTION. does the administration feel like you still need an executive order to remove yourself from NAFTA or what39s the. SPICER: I -- I -- that39s a great question. I believe there39s an action that has to be taken under the -- the provision of NAFTA where you set -- you send notice to the other countries, the other two countries. The exact nature of how that39s described, I don39t -- but it is, there is a trigger within NAFTA, one of the sections allows the -- the president of the United States to notify them that we intend to do that. SPICER: OK hold on (inaudible). QUESTION: Will there still be a North American trade block or something different or. SPICER: Again, I think part of is it that he39s already spoken to both the president of Mexico and prime minister of Canada about his desire to -- to renegotiate. And I think as he meets with both of these individuals over the next 30 days or so, that39s gonna be a topic. Now, if they come in and -- and express a willingness to do that, you could negotiate it within the current parameters and update it through -- through the existing structure. If they don39t and he decided to -- to pull out, then we would have to go back to the drawing table in the future. QUESTION. 0160And on TPP, Joe McCain says it was a serious mistake to do what the president did for America39s economy and for our strategic position in the Asia - Pacific. Why was TPP the right thing to do QUESTION: -- the right thing to do, to repeal TPP SPICER: Oh, I think I said it, because I think the multi -- when you enter into these multinational agreements, you39re allowing any country, no matter the size -- any one of those 12, including us, to basically have the same stature as the United States in the agreement. So we39re basically on par with some very small companies who are getting access to an amazing market, the United States. And in return, we39re negotiating at the lowest common denominator. And I think that when you look at big multinational agreements -- multilateral agreements -- they39re not always in the best interest of the United States. The beautiful thing about a bilateral agreement is that if any one of the true parties in the agreement decides at any time they want to get out of the agreement, or they39re not being treated fairly, they can renegotiate much easier. In a multinational agreement, that39s not the case. In many cases, all of the other countries have to agree to an action or to let somebody out. That39s not putting the U. S. interest39s first. QUESTION: Regarding -- regarding access -- access for American companies to the national markets, will the president try to improve the access to the largest market and develop the European one By taking (inaudible) SPICER: Well, look, I don39t -- I think, he39s gonna increase market access wherever he can. He39s in the process of reviewing all of our current trade agreements. And looking at potential bilateral options going forward, whether it39s in the E. U. or in the Asia - Pacific arena, or in the Middle East. He39s gonna figure out where we can expand U. S. market access. And that39s I think, what today39s decision really starts to show. Is that it39s not about multilateral agreements under a Trump administration. It39s about bilateral agreements, where we can figure out country to country, how can we fight for the American worker, gain them access to another market that39s gonna benefit our large and small businesses who want to sell additional goods and services. Chapter 2 - Growth for the Middle Class Introduction In the last century, it was Canadarsquos growing and optimistic middle class that built a better countrynot just for themselves, but for their children and grandchildren. The investments they made in Canadarsquos future prosperity improved the quality of life for every generation that followed. Itrsquos time for Canada to once again make smart, strategic investments that will grow Canadarsquos economy and make it an even better place to call home. Canadarsquos middle class will benefit from the immediate help provided by Budget 2016, but ongoing growth is equally important. By investing in infrastructure nowin the projects Canada needs and the people who can build themgrowth for the middle class can be secured well into the future. At the same time, to deliver new results, Canada must try new things. In Budget 2016, the Government is defining a new vision for Canadarsquos economy: Canada as a centre of global innovation. Together, investments in infrastructure and in innovation will form the foundation for a more inclusive societyone that delivers stronger growth and a better quality of life for the middle class and those working hard to join it. Investing in Infrastructure to Create Jobs and Prosperity for the Middle Class Investing in infrastructure creates good, well-paying jobs that can help the middle class grow and prosper today. And by making it easier to move people and products, well-planned infrastructure can deliver sustained economic growth for years to come. At the same time, new challenges have emerged that make the need for investment more acute: things like the rapid growth of Canadas cities, climate change, and threats to our water and land. Congestion in Canadian communities makes life more difficult for busy families, and has a negative effect on our economywhen businesses cant get their goods to market, it undermines growth. A changing climate is also hard on communities. From floodways to power grids, investments are needed to make sure Canadas communities remain safe and resilient places to live. Investing in infrastructure is not just about creating good jobs and economic growth. Its also about building communities that Canadians are proud to call home. With historic investments in public transit, green infrastructure and social infrastructure, Budget 2016 will take advantage of historically low interest rates to renew Canadas infrastructure and improve the quality of life for all Canadians. In Budget 2016, the Government will implement an historic plan to invest more than 120 billion in infrastructure over 10 years, to better meet the needs of Canadians and better position Canadas economy for the future. Chart 2.1 New Infrastructure Spending 1 1 Public transit, green infrastructure and social infrastructure. The Governments plan will be implemented in two phases. In addition to funding flowing through the existing programs that support infrastructure, the Government will implement a short-term Phase 1 plan to immediately invest in the infrastructure Canadians needto modernize and rehabilitate public transit, water and wastewater systems, provide affordable housing, and protect existing infrastructure from the effects of climate change. Phase 1 focuses primarily on infrastructure investments over the next two years. Phase 2 will deliver on the remaining eight years of the Governments long-term infrastructure plan. In this phase, the goals will be broader and more ambitious: a more modern, cleaner economy a more inclusive society and an economy better positioned to capitalize on the potential of global trade. This second phase will go hand in hand with the transition to a low-carbon economy. It will make Canadas largest cities better places to live, through cost-effective, sustainable, integrated transportation networks. And it will aim to deliver fast, efficient trade corridors that allow Canadian exporters to benefit fully from international trade. In making its investments, the Government will balance support for projects of different size and scopeboth those of local and regional importance, and larger, economically strategic projects that can provide transformative change at the national level. A long-term infrastructure investment plan is an opportunity to make meaningful contributions to Canadas economic growth and sustainable development by addressing important infrastructure challenges of national significance. Ambitious projects will be supported to reduce urban transportation congestion, improve and expand trade corridors, and reduce the carbon footprint of the national energy system. New institutions could provide Canada an opportunity to improve infrastructure management across the country by working with our partners to: Pursue evidence-based decision-making, arrived at through independent, expert advice Examine new innovative financing instruments to reduce the cost of municipal infrastructure projects so that more are built and they get started earlier Where it is in the public interest, engage public pension plans and other innovative sources of fundingsuch as demand management initiatives and asset recyclingto increase the long-term affordability and sustainability of infrastructure in Canada and Better support the use of state-of-the-art infrastructure technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of existing assets. The Government will engage with its provincial, territorial, municipal and Indigenous partners, as well as global institutional investors and other stakeholders, and will announce Phase 2 of the long-term plan in the next year. Phase 1 of Canadas New Infrastructure Plan Starting with Budget 2016, Canadians will see real investments made in their communities. Immediate investments that will create jobs and support clean growth across the country. Phase 1 of the Governments infrastructure plan proposes to provide 11.9 billion over five years, starting right away. Budget 2016 puts this plan into action with an immediate down payment on this plan, including: 3.4 billion over three years to upgrade and improve public transit systems across Canada 5.0 billion over five years for investments in water, wastewater and green infrastructure projects across Canada and 3.4 billion over five years for social infrastructure, including affordable housing, early learning and child care, cultural and recreational infrastructure, and community health care facilities on reserve. 1 The Department of Finance estimates that these and other measures announced in Budget 2016 will raise the level of real gross domestic product by 0.5 per cent in the first year and by 1.0 per cent by the second year (see Annex 2Economic Impacts of Budget Measures, for details). This approach is in line with recommendations by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the International Monetary Fund, which have argued that governments with the fiscal flexibility to undertake productivity-enhancing investments should do soboth to boost demand in the short term and lay a solid foundation for long-term growth. The Government is also taking action to ensure that Canadians benefit from the better services that more modern, efficient and sustainable federal infrastructure can provide. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 3.4 billion over the next five years, on a cash basis, to maintain and upgrade federal infrastructure assets such as national parks, small craft harbours, federal airports and border infrastructure. This funding will also support the clean-up of contaminated sites across the country. In addition to the new funding announced in Budget 2016, the Government will support the infrastructure priorities of communities across Canada. The Government will: Continue to make available approximately 3 billion each year in dedicated funding for municipal infrastructure projects through the Gas Tax Fund and the incremental Goods and Services Tax Rebate for Municipalities Work with provincial, territorial and municipal partners to get projects underway, by accelerating spending from the 9 billion available under the New Building Canada Funds Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component and other existing infrastructure programs Transfer remaining uncommitted funds from older federal infrastructure programs to municipalities through the Gas Tax Fund in 201617 in order to ensure funds are directed towards municipal infrastructure priorities in the near term and Ensure that Government institutions are aligned to best support infrastructure innovation, including by transferring responsibility for PPP Canada Inc. to the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities. Phase 1 of Canadas New Infrastructure PlanWith Budget 2016, the Government is launching a transformative plan to invest almost 60 billion in new infrastructure funding. Budget 2016 lays the groundwork for future growth, by making immediate investments in public transit, green infrastructure and social infrastructure. These investments represent 11.9 billion of the Governments 10-year commitment. In the coming months, the Government will lay out its longer-term priorities for renewing and modernizing Canadas infrastructure. Chart 2.2 Budget 2016 Announces Phase 1 of Infrastructure Plan Building Strong Cities Through Investments in Public Transit Canadian cities have been growing at a rapid rate, but investment in public transit has not kept pace. This has led to more traffic congestion, and long commutes that make it harder for people to get to work and for families to spend time together. The gridlock that results has a serious financial impactcosting Canadas economy billions of dollars in lost productivity each yearand is damaging to the environment. To improve and expand public transit systems across Canada, Budget 2016 proposes to invest up to 3.4 billion in public transit over three years, starting in 201617. Funding will be provided through a new Public Transit Infrastructure Fund. These investments will help to shorten commute times, cut air pollution, strengthen communities and grow Canadas economy. Making Immediate Investments in Public Transit Canadians need immediate investments in their communities public transit systems, so that they can get to work on time, and back home at the end of a long day. The Public Transit Infrastructure Fund will make these long overdue investments. Funding will be provided to support projects that will deliver increased capacity, enhanced service or improved environmental outcomes. Projects could include: Upgrades to subway tracks, bridges, signals and switches for the Montreal Metro Fleet replacement, including the purchase of new subway cars, low-floor buses, and street cars by the Toronto Transit Commission and Accelerated design, implementation and construction work for new large-scale projects, such as new light rail transit lines in Greater Vancouver and Ottawa. To get projects moving quickly, the Government will fund up to 50 per cent of eligible costs for projects. Funding under the program will be allocated to municipalities based on ridership, as per the table below. Share of National Public Transit Ridership Funding Under the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund Notes: Ridership based on calculations done by the Canadian Urban Transit Association in the 2014 Canadian Transit Fact Book. There are no public transit systems in Nunavut. Investing in Green Infrastructure To ensure that Canadas communities are healthy and productive places to live, Budget 2016 proposes to invest 5.0 billion over the next five years in infrastructure that protects communities and supports Canadas ongoing transition to a clean growth economy. These investments will help Canadian communities adapt to the challenges of climate change. As referenced in Chapter 4A Clean Growth Economy, the Government will invest in electric vehicle and alternative transportation fuel infrastructure, initiatives to foster regional electricity cooperation, and the development of building codes and standards that integrate climate resiliency requirements. There is also an urgent need in many Canadian communities to modernize water and wastewater infrastructure. Working with provinces, territories, municipalities and First Nations communities, the Government will invest in this essential infrastructure, and will seek out new partnerships on innovative green infrastructure projects and capacity-building programs. Building Capacity in Municipalities to Address Climate Change From reducing greenhouse gas emissions to transforming the way we live, work and move around our communities, municipalities are on the front lines of serving Canadians. When it comes to issues like climate changea significant challenge that will affect every community in different wayshelp from other orders of government is needed. To support municipalities front-line efforts, the Government has announced 75 million in new funding for local governments to address climate change, to be delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. This investment will support municipality-led projects to identify and implement greenhouse gas reduction opportunities. It will also support the assessment of local climate risks, and the integration of these impacts into asset management plans. Funding Innovative Green Municipal Projects Budget 2016 proposes to provide 125 million over the next two years to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to enhance the Green Municipal Fund, including for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This Fund, established in partnership with municipalities in 2000, finances and funds innovative, municipal green infrastructure priorities, and has provided over 700 million to projects across the country since its inception. Green Municipal Fund The Green Municipal Fund supports projects across Canada that produce tangible benefits for communities through improved environmental, economic and social outcomes. Recently funded initiatives include: The expansion of the successful Halifax Solar City pilot to install solar hot water systems and efficient water fixtures in homes and Canadas first net-zero municipal library in Varennes, Quebec, which will generate as much energy as it consumes on an annual basis. Developing Community Capacity for Asset Management Best Practices The Government is also proposing a new 50 million capacity-building fund to support the use of asset management best practices across Canada. Asset management plans guide how core infrastructure assets are to be built, renewed, operated, maintained and replaced. This type of planning helps to maximize the use of public dollars. Smaller communities, in particular, have indicated that they lack corporate capacity to undertake these important planning activities. This funding will be delivered through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and will strengthen capacity-building in communities for longer-term planning that supports strategic investments. In addition, Infrastructure Canada will work with Statistics Canada to improve infrastructure-related data. This will support better information on the state and performance of core public infrastructure assets for all levels of government. Adaptation and Climate Resilient Infrastructure Canadas future prosperity rests on its ability to adapt to new challenges, including those that result from climate change and other threats to water and land. The Government is committed to working with provincial, territorial and municipal partners to invest in shared priorities that help grow Canadas clean economy while helping communities better prepare for these future challenges. Many communities have already identified projects that are ready for immediate investment by the federal government, including: 248 million for the Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels Project. This project will allow the Province of Manitoba to regulate lake levels and provide flood protection to individuals, businesses and communities around these lakes. Without enhanced water control infrastructure, there is a high risk of recurring flood damage, similar to that experienced in 2011 and 212 million to upgrade the Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant to make it resilient to climate events. This facility provides primary treatment of wastewater for residents of the District of West Vancouver, the City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver, and is threatened by risks posed by extreme weather and climate change (such as a projected rise in sea levels). Sustaining Healthy Communities Through a New Clean Water and Wastewater Fund Water and wastewater infrastructure is essential to keeping our waterways clean and our communities healthy and livable. Many systems across Canada need urgent improvements to ensure that Canadian families continue to have access to clean water. There are also high-risk wastewater facilities across the country that will require upgrades by 2020 in order to meet new, stronger federal environmental regulations. To address these needs, the Government is announcing a new Clean Water and Wastewater Fund for provinces, territories and municipalities. Budget 2016 proposes to invest 2.0 billion over four years, starting in 201617, for immediate improvements to water distribution and treatment infrastructure. In addition to delivering support for urgent provincial, territorial and municipal water and wastewater priorities, funding will be delivered to communities this year, on an expedited basis. To get projects moving quickly, the Government will fund up to 50 per cent of eligible costs for projects. Investment in this Fund will improve the safety and quality of water for Canadian families, while supporting job creation and a clean growth economy. Budget 2016 also proposes to provide 1.8 billion over five years to address health and safety needs, to ensure proper facility operation and maintenance, and to end long-term boil water advisories on First Nations reserves within five years, as referenced in Chapter 3A Better Future for Indigenous Peoples. Accelerating Infrastructure Spending for Communities In addition to the new investments announced in Budget 2016, the Government has committed to accelerate spending for infrastructure projects under existing programs. The Government is working on an urgent basis with its provincial, territorial and municipal partners to deliver these investments as quickly as possible. Recent federal support for important projects include: Over 73.3 million in funding from the federal Gas Tax Fund for 57 capital and capacity-building projects in communities across British Columbia, including drinking water, wastewater, recreational and cultural infrastructure, local roads and bridges, community energy systems and improvements for passengers at the Smithers Regional Airport Almost 5.4 million from the Small Communities Fund for water and wastewater projects in 11 communities across Saskatchewan, all of which have populations of less than 2,000, including the village of Yarbo. This investment will help ensure safe drinking water and expanded or improved wastewater systems in these communities for years to come 62 million for the Ottawa Combined Sewage Storage Tunnel under the New Building Canada Funds Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component to reduce combined sewer overflows to the Ottawa River 17.1 million in funding from the Gas Tax Fund to upgrade four drinking water treatment and distribution systems in Sherbrooke, Quebec. This investment supports the modernization of critical sustainable infrastructure and provides the residents of Sherbrooke with high-quality drinking water 19 million for the Sydney Harbour West Wastewater Collection and Treatment Plant in Nova Scotia to bring wastewater treatment services in the area up to federal environmental regulatory standards and support expansions, upgrades and modifications to existing wastewater collection infrastructure Up to 25.3 million from the Small Communities Fund to support five recreational and sport facility projects in Nunavut, including a cultural centre in Cape Dorset, repairs for the Cambridge Bay Arena and the Iqaluit Aquatic Centre and 583 million towards the development of the Calgary ring road is being reviewed for funding through the New Building Canada Funds National Infrastructure Component. This project would provide Albertans with a safe, modern highway network that would improve travel times in and around one of Canadas most important cities and support economic growth in the province. Building Stronger Communities Investing in Canadas communities is not only about creating good jobs and encouraging clean economic growth. It is also about building stronger communities. By making new investments in social infrastructurein things like affordable housing and early learning and child careBudget 2016 will help strengthen the middle class, promote inclusive growth for Canadians, and lift more Canadiansincluding children and seniorsout of poverty. As part of the Governments Phase 1 commitments, Budget 2016 proposes initial social infrastructure investments totaling 3.4 billion over five years. These investments will help expand affordable housing (including shelters for victims of violence), support early learning and child care, renew cultural and recreational infrastructure, and improve community health care facilities on reserve. As referenced in Chapter 3A Better Future for Indigenous Peoples, of this new funding, 1.2 billion will be invested in First Nations, Inuit and northern communities. To ensure that investments reflect the needs of Canadians and Canadian communities, the Government of Canada will consult with stakeholders in the coming months to determine where future investments in social infrastructure should be made. Expanding Affordable Housing All Canadians need and deserve housing that is safe, adequate and affordable. Without it, Canadians feel less secure and that makes it harder to accomplish every other goalfrom raising healthy children to pursuing education, jobs and opportunity. When affordable housing is in short supply, Canadas whole economy suffers. To give Canadians greater access to more affordable housing, Budget 2016 proposes to invest 2.3 billion over two years, starting in 201617. Of this amount, 2.2 billion reflects the Governments commitment to invest in social infrastructure, including 739 million for First Nations, Inuit and northern housing. A significant portion of the 2.3 billion investment will be allocated to provinces and territories, which can identify communities where the need for affordable housing is greatest. Investing in affordable housing will provide targeted support to those who need it most and create good jobs that help grow Canadas economy in a clean and sustainable way. To ensure that these investments are most effective and to help the social housing sector achieve self-reliance, the Government will consult with provinces and territories, Indigenous and other communities, and key stakeholders in the coming year to develop a National Housing Strategy. Table 2.1 Affordable Housing Investments millions of dollars 1 Includes funding for renovation and construction of new shelters on reserve. An additional 3.4 million would be provided for shelters on reserve in 2018ndash19, bringing total investments for housing in First Nations, Inuit and northern communities to 742.4 million over three years, starting in 2016ndash17. See Chapter 3mdashA Better Future for Indigenous Peoples. 2 Funding for the construction of affordable rental housing will continue beyond 2017ndash18. Additional funding of 122.6 million over three years, starting in 2017ndash18, would be provided, bringing total investments to 208.3 million over five years. Funding for this measure is over and above investments in affordable housing under the Governmentrsquos social infrastructure commitment. Doubling the Investment in Affordable Housing Initiative In response to the persistent, high demand for affordable housing across the country, Budget 2016 proposes to double current federal funding under the Investment in Affordable Housing initiative. Under this initiative, provinces and territories match federal investments and have the flexibility to design and deliver programs that are tailored to address local housing needs and pressures. To support the construction of new affordable housing units, the renovation and repair of existing affordable housing, measures to support housing affordability such as rent supplements, and measures to foster safe, independent living, the Government will invest 504.4 million over two years, starting in 201617. This increased support is expected to benefit more than 100,000 Canadian households. Increasing Affordable Housing for Seniors Canadas senior population is growing, and many seniors now find it difficult to afford housing that is suitable, or that allows them to easily stay in their homes as long as possible. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 200.7 million over two years, starting in 201617, to support the construction, repair and adaption of affordable housing for seniors. While funding will be provided under the Investment in Affordable Housing initiative, provinces and territories will not be required to cost-match these investments. This investment is expected to help improve housing conditions for more than 5,000 low-income senior households. Supporting Energy and Water Efficiency Retrofits and Renovations to Existing Social Housing In addition to support provided under the Investment in Affordable Housing initiative, the Government provides ongoing support to 570,000 social housing units across Canada. Many of these units are older, equipped with less efficient energy and water systems and are urgently in need of repairs. To support these necessary retrofits and renovations, Budget 2016 proposes to provide 573.9 million over two years, starting in 201617. This investment will help address the increasing demand for repairs as social housing units age, and will also improve efficiency and reduce energy use, lowering utility costs and making housing more affordable. By improving water and energy efficiency, this investment will also help the social housing sector contribute to Canadas overall plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Providing Rent Subsidies for Federally Administered Social Housing Providers The Government provides support for social housing through long-term operating agreements with social housing providers. As these agreements expire, some federally administered social housing providers may struggle to continue serving low-income households without increasing rental rates. Budget 2016 proposes to reallocate 30 million over two years, starting in 201617, to help these providers maintain rent-geared-to-income for households living in social housing. This additional support would be provided on a time-limited basis until long-term approaches to help the social housing sector achieve self-reliance can be developed through consultations with provinces, territories and stakeholders. Supporting the Construction of Affordable Rental Housing Not all Canadians can afford toor wish toown their own home. As a result, affordable rental housing is an important part of the housing continuum, providing housing options for many households, including low - and middle-income Canadians, seniors and new immigrants. To encourage the construction of affordable rental housing, Budget 2016 proposes to invest 208.3 million over five years, starting in 201617, in an Affordable Rental Housing Innovation Fund, to be administered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Funding would be used to test innovative business approachessuch as housing models with a mix of rental and home ownershipto lower the costs and risks of financing affordable rental housing projects. This investment is expected to support the construction of up to 4,000 new affordable housing rental units over five years, and is being made over and above investments in affordable housing under the Governments social infrastructure commitment. Going forward, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation will also consult with stakeholders on the design of an Affordable Rental Housing Financing Initiative to provide low-cost loans to municipalities and housing developers for the construction of new affordable rental housing projects. Up to 500 million in loans would be available each year for five years. This initiative would encourage the construction of affordable rental housing by making low-cost capital available to developers during the earliest, most risky phases of development. This initiative could support the construction of more than 10,000 new rental units over five years. Supporting Shelters for Victims of Violence No person fleeing domestic violence should be left without a place to turn. To this end, Budget 2016 proposes to provide 89.9 million over two years, beginning in 201617, for the construction and renovation of shelters and transition houses for victims of family violence. While funding will be provided under the Investment in Affordable Housing initiative, provinces and territories will not be required to cost-match these investments. This unprecedented investment is expected to support the construction or renovation of over 3,000 shelters spaces over the next two years. Tackling Homelessness Homelessness is a reality for too many Canadians and a challenge for every Canadian community. To help homeless Canadians find stable housing, Budget 2016 proposes to invest an additional 111.8 million over two years, starting in 201617, in the Homelessness Partnering Strategy. Through this Strategy, the Government provides direct support and funding to communities across Canada for projects to prevent and reduce homelessness, including Housing First initiatives that help homeless Canadians secure stable housing while providing them with support for underlying issues, such as mental health or addiction. This investment will give communities the support they need to help prevent and reduce homelessness, including Housing First activities, better emergency response services, and supports for youth, women fleeing violence, and veterans. Supporting Early Learning and Child Care For Canadian families, high-quality, affordable child care is more than a convenienceits a necessity. The Government recognizes the deep connection between child care and the economic security of families, and proposes to invest 500 million in 201718 to support the establishment of a National Framework on Early Learning and Child Care. Of this amount, 100 million would be for Indigenous child care and early learning on reserve. Because child care needs vary from family to family, and because provinces and territories have responded to those needs in different ways, the Framework will be designed to meet the needs of Canadian families, wherever they live. Developing the Framework will begin in 201617, and will be a joint effortthe Government, provinces, territories and Indigenous peoples will all contribute to its creation. Investments under the new Framework are expected to flow in 201718. Investing in Cultural and Recreational Infrastructure Cultural and recreational infrastructureplaces like community centres, museums, parks and arenashelps to make our communities feel like home. In many communities, these are the places where families can play together, where neighbours can meet, and where Canadians can celebrate the many cultures that make Canada so diverse. To support these important parts of our communities, Budget 2016 proposes to invest 168.2 million over two years, starting in 201617, in the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. This Fund supports the renovation and construction of arts and heritage facilities, and recipients would include not-for-profit arts and heritage organizations, provincial and territorial governments, municipalities and their agencies, and equivalent Indigenous peoples institutions. In addition, to celebrate the 150 th anniversary of Canadas Confederation, Budget 2016 proposes to provide 150 million to the Regional Development Agencies over two years, starting in 201617. This funding, which is cost-shared with municipalities, community organizations and non-profit entities, will support projects to renovate, expand and improve existing community and cultural infrastructure in all regions of the country, including projects that advance a clean growth economy. Improving Community Accessibility It is important that Canadians with disabilities have the ability to fully participate in their communities. Budget 2016 proposes to provide an additional 4 million over two years, starting in 201617 for the Enabling Accessibility Fund to support the capital costs of construction and renovation related to improving physical accessibility and safety for people with disabilities in Canadian communities. National Historic Sites The National Historic Sites Cost-Sharing Program is delivered by the Parks Canada Agency and provides funding to non-federally owned or administered national historic sites to help protect nationally significant cultural infrastructure. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 20 million over two years, beginning in 201617, to the Parks Canada Agency to enhance the program, including expanding it to include heritage lighthouses and railways. This funding will help to ensure that Canadas national historic sites are maintained for future generations. Investing in Indigenous Community Infrastructure Budget 2016 proposes to make historic investments of 3.5 billion over five years to support infrastructure in Indigenous communities as part of broader investments in green and social infrastructure: 1.8 billion over five years to support clean drinking water and the treatment of wastewater on reserve 409.0 million over five years to improve garbage and waste management on reserve 270.2 million over five years to expand and enhance health facilities in First Nations communities 732.0 million over two years to address housing needs on reserve and in Inuit and northern communities 129.4 million over two years for repairs and renovations of Indigenous early learning and child care facilities and to support the establishment of a Framework on Early Learning and Child Care 76.9 million over two years to support the construction of cultural and recreational communities on reserve and 10.4 million over three years for renovations and the construction of new shelters for victims of family violence in First Nations communities. Assisting Homeowners Affected by Pyrrhotite Homeownership is a goal that many Canadians work hard to reach and it is an investment that they want to protect. Unfortunately, some homes in certain regions of Quebec have had serious and costly structural problems as a result of the presence of the mineral pyrrhotite in their foundations. In response, the Government of Quebec has provided significant financial support to affected homeowners to replace foundations and undertake other necessary repairs. To help more homeowners dealing with the consequences of pyrrhotite, the Government will provide up to 30 million over three years, starting in 201617. Improving Access for Rural Communities to the Digital Economy Few jobs, sectors or aspects of life are untouched by information and communications technology. Access to better, more reliable broadband connections will provide Canadians in rural and remote communities with new opportunities to participate in the digital economy and to take advantage of advances in telehealth, e-learning and remote access to government services. Budget 2016 proposes to deliver on the Governments priority of increasing high-speed broadband coverage by investing up to 500 million over five years, starting in 201617, for a new program to extend and enhance broadband service in rural and remote communities. Further details on program parameters will be announced in the coming months. Revitalizing Federal Public Infrastructure Across Canada The Government of Canada owns a significant infrastructure portfolio across the country. This federal infrastructure is significant and touches every aspect of life in Canadait facilitates the movement of goods and people, it ensures the safety of our food and security at our borders, and it brings Canadians together to celebrate our rich and storied past. It is also critical for enhancing productivity and growth in our economy, and contributes to the health and well-being of Canadians, by providing core services such as transport, water, electricity and energy. Canadians are affected when the federal infrastructure they rely upon is not adequately maintained. This can result in the deterioration of roads, highways, bridges and dams, as well as buildings and laboratories, ports and airports. The Government has a responsibility to Canadians not only to address these assets in need of repair, but also to use the opportunity to enhance clean growthby focusing on reducing our carbon footprint and pursuing green solutions wherever possible. With interest rates at historic lows, now is the ideal time for the Government to invest in revitalizing this infrastructure, to ensure that it continues to serve a vital role in our economy and for the benefit of all Canadians, from coast to coast to coast. Accelerating Federal Infrastructure Investments Important projects to improve the state of Canadas federal infrastructure will commence in 2016creating new jobs and opportunities for businesses across the country. In addition to the immediate benefits in terms of job creation across the country in the construction, engineering and manufacturing sectors, as well as the generation of significant economic spinoff activity, these investments will also ensure that Canadians continue to benefit from modern, efficient and sustainable infrastructure that is the foundation of our quality of life and long-term prosperity. Budget 2016 proposes to invest up to 3.4 billion over the next five years, on a cash basis, to maintain and upgrade federal infrastructure assets that provide services all Canadians rely on: Canada is a vast and beautiful country, endowed with breathtaking, awe-inspiring natural areas. To ensure that Canadians can continue to enjoy our world-class national parks system, up to 191 million will be invested on trails and highways in national parks. Harbours are critical infrastructure components of our transportation system, relied on daily by our fishing industry and recreational users. Commercial fishers and recreational boaters will benefit from up to 149 million in investments that will revitalize small craft harbours across the country. Environmental stewardship is part of our obligation to ensure that future generations can live in a clean world. To reduce risks to human health and the environment, funding of up to 217 million will be provided for environmental remediation work on contaminated sites. The federal government has an important role to play in advancing science, research and innovation, the pillars of strong and advanced economies. Federal laboratories and other federal assets that support science, research and innovation, will receive up to 139 million. To modernize and preserve some of Canadas world-class cultural infrastructure for future generations to enjoy, up to 281 million will be provided to support the construction of a new collection and conservation centre for the Canada Science and Technology Museum the renewal of the National Arts Centres performance venues and repairs to the National Gallery of Canada, including its iconic windows. Canadians look to their governments to keep them safe and secure. Providing reliable infrastructure for its citizens to use, ensuring that safety threats are mitigated against, and preventing harmful and unlawful acts are core responsibilities of any government. The Government will invest up to 232 million in safety and security. Funding will support National Defence infrastructure, as well as the safety of public and marine infrastructure at Canadian Coast Guard bases. Funding of up to 91 million will also be provided in support of key government services, including transportation infrastructure for airports and ferries. Offering high-quality services to Canadians requires assets that are in a good state of repair. The Government will invest up to 2.1 billion towards repairs and retrofits to its wide range of properties and buildings, as well as the greening of government operations. Examples will include funding to improve military housing, upgrade border infrastructure, modernize the generation of energy for marine communication and traffic services, and reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption of federal buildings in the National Capital Region. This funding is over and above the Governments commitment to provide nearly 60 billion in new infrastructure funding over the next 10 years. Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Federal Buildings Public Services and Procurement Canada manages six heating and cooling plants that provide services to 85 buildings in the National Capital Region. These plants currently generate an average of 117 kilotons of greenhouse gas emissions annually and are in need of major recapitalization. As per the Governments commitment to provide leadership on climate change, the Government will take this opportunity to recalibrate these plants by implementing more efficient technologies, which will both reduce long-term costs for the Government and greenhouse gas emissionsthe latter by more than 45 per cent going forward. In addition, the new technology will enable the Government to explore the feasibility of using biomass as an alternative source of energy, the adoption of which could further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Supporting Water Infrastructure in Saskatchewan Dams and other water control structures in southern Saskatchewan support the irrigation needs of farmers and ranchers, provide recreational opportunities for Canadian families, and assist in ensuring communities have access to clean and sustainable water sources. The Government is committed to working collaboratively with the Government of Saskatchewan to continue the transfer of federally owned dams to the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency to better serve Saskatchewans water and water infrastructure needs. Supporting Safe and Efficient Transportation The Government of Canada is the owner and operator of a number of transportation assetsincluding ports and airportsthat support safe, secure and efficient transportation systems. As part of the federal infrastructure initiative, Budget 2016 proposes to provide 186.6 million on a cash basis for federal transportation assets. Specific investments will include: 148.6 million for small craft harbour infrastructure improvements, including major capital construction projects on wharves, floats, breakwaters, and shore protection, to ensure a network of safe and accessible harbours for use by commercial fish harvesters across Canada 23 million to upgrade fire safety capability and rehabilitate or replace structures such as terminal buildings and hangars at six rural and remote airportsWabush and St. Anthony in Newfoundland and Labrador les de la Madeleine in Quebec and Sandspit, Penticton and Port Hardy in British Columbia 6.7 million for infrastructure upgrades at the Port of Gros-Cacouna, Quebec, to promote the continued safe operation of the port and 8.3 million for improvements to Transport Canada facilities used for aircraft testing and certification, including the Aircraft Services Hangar located at Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport. Improving Rail Service For nearly 40 years, VIA Rail Canada Inc. has provided passenger rail services connecting communities across the country. VIA Rail carried 3.8 million passengers in 2015, across a 12,500-kilometre rail network serving 450 cities and towns that extends from Prince Rupert, British Columbia to Halifax, Nova Scotia. The vast majority of passengers (over 90 per cent) travelled within the high-density Windsor-Quebec City corridor. VIA Rail faces significant capital investment requirements going forward. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 7.7 million in 201617 on a cash basis to VIA Rail to support technical studies and other pre-procurement activities related to the renewal of VIA Rails fleet, for safety upgrades at grade crossings on tracks owned by VIA Rail, and for investments in improved security at VIA Rail stations. VIA Rail has developed a proposal for a high-frequency rail service within the Windsor-Quebec City corridor that could see VIA Rail operate on dedicated tracks exclusive to its services. This could permit increased service frequencies, improved on-time performance and reduced trip times. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 3.3 million over three years to Transport Canada to support an in depth assessment of VIA Rails high-frequency rail proposal. Improving VIA Stations and Maintenance Centres As part of the federal infrastructure initiative, Budget 2016 also proposes to provide 34 million, on a cash basis, to VIA Rail for improvements at stations and maintenance centres, including upgrades to mechanical and electrical systems and roof replacements. Supporting Ferry Services in Atlantic Canada Ferry services are an important element of the transportation network in Atlantic Canada. Transport Canada provides financial support to routes between les de la Madeleine, Quebec and Souris, Prince Edward Island between Saint John, New Brunswick and Digby, Nova Scotia and between Wood Islands, Prince Edward Island and Caribou, Nova Scotia. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 51.9 million in 201617 on a cash basis to support the continued operation of these ferry services and for the disposal of the MV Princess of Acadia that has been replaced by the new MV Fundy Rose on the Saint John-Digby route. The MV Fundy Rose meets both national and international environmental standards and emits fewer air pollutants compared to the vessel she replaced. Investing in Infrastructure at Marine Atlantic Inc. As part of the federal infrastructure initiative, Budget 2016 also proposes to provide 22 million, on a cash basis, to Marine Atlantic Inc. to install a new mooring system for its ferries operating between Channel-Port aux Basques, Newfoundland and Labrador, and North Sydney, Nova Scotia. Building A More Innovative Country The global economy is shiftingtechnology is transforming the way Canadians access information, buy goods and services, interact with each other and build communities. At the same time, countries around the world are searching for ways to foster clean growth and support healthy and prosperous societies. To drive growth, to improve the livelihoods of Canadians and to create jobs in areas including manufacturing, digital technology and renewable energy, Canada must be on the leading edge of this change. Innovation is todays driver of inclusive growth, and Canada must be in it to win. In Budget 2016 the Government is defining a new vision for Canadas economy: to build Canada as a centre of global innovation. Canada will be propelled by its creative and entrepreneurial citizens its leading science and technology its excellent innovation infrastructure and its globally competitive companies offering high-quality products and services, thriving within a business environment that supports commercialization and growth. Through 2016 and 2017, the Government will define a bold new plan, its Innovation Agenda, to achieve this vision. Underpinning the Innovation Agenda will be a plan for change. Through 2016, the Government will redesign and redefine how it supports innovation and growth, in partnership and coordination with the private sector, provinces, territories and municipalities, universities and colleges, and the not-for-profit sector. The Innovation Agenda will define clear outcomesobjectives and metrics to measure progress towards this vision. The Governments plan will be cross-government and coordinated across key departments. Whether it is clean technology, health sciences, advanced manufacturing, digital technology, resource development or agri-food, the Governments plan will work to align its support for the key ingredients of innovationhelping to propel Canadas entrepreneurs and innovators from start-up and commercialization stages to global success. Note: Lists of federal tools are not exhaustive. Through alignment, coordination and simplification, the Innovation Agenda will drive greater clarity of purpose to government support for innovation and ultimately greater support for Canadas innovators and entrepreneurs. To help realize this vision, Budget 2016 proposes several interim measures to promote research and accelerate business growth by: Focusing new federal support for science on world-class discovery research Maintaining funding for commercialization of promising scientific discoveries and industry take-up of emerging applications First steps in orienting federal business support toward firms with ambition to grow, to help ensure they have the resources and support they need to reach their potential and Building a better evidence base to identify gaps, evaluate performance and inform future decisions. Strengthening Science and Research The Government understands the central role of science in a thriving, clean economy and in providing evidence for sound policy decisions. Canadas universities, colleges and other research institutions play a fundamental role in Canadian society by developing highly skilled and creative workers. They are also the engines of discovery, and collaborate on innovations that help companies compete and grow. Budget 2016 takes action to reinvigorate Canadas research and science base by investing in infrastructure at post-secondary institutions and federal laboratories, fostering research excellence, and accelerating the diffusion and commercialization of knowledge into applications that benefit industry and society as a whole. Strategic Infrastructure Investments at Post Secondary Institutions The prosperity of Canadians relies on the ability of the country to attract and retain talented people, boost innovation and build a sustainable economy. The quality of infrastructure at Canadian post-secondary institutions plays a key role in these efforts. Through the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Government of Canada already makes significant investments in research infrastructure at Canadas universities, colleges and research hospitals. Provinces and territories also provide substantial funding for campus renewal every year. Nonetheless, much of Canadas post-secondary infrastructure is over 25 years old and nearing the end of its useful life. This presents an opportunity to invest in greener and more innovation-friendly spaces. Recognizing the value to Canada of strong post-secondary institutions, Budget 2016 proposes to provide up to 2 billion over three years, starting in 201617, for a new Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund, a time-limited initiative that will support up to 50 per cent of the eligible costs of infrastructure projects at post-secondary institutions and affiliated research and commercialization organizations, in collaboration with provinces and territories. This initiative is aimed at enhancing and modernizing research and commercialization facilities on Canadian campuses, as well as industry-relevant training facilities at college and polytechnic institutions, and projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the environmental sustainability of these types of facilities. These targeted, short-term investments in infrastructure projects will promote economic activity across the country and benefits for the Canadian economy and society well into the future. Work is underway, in consultation with the provinces and territories, to implement this initiative as quickly as possible. Examples of Eligible Projects Under the New Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund The new Fund will support investments of the following types: A university could convert under-utilized space into new research labs that advance its excellence in a specialized field of strength A college could modernize or create sector-specific training facilities, including capacity for advanced areas such as Red Seal trades On-campus incubators and accelerators could be expanded to increase and improve support for entrepreneurs and start-ups as they develop strategies to grow their business College and university facilities that support prototype development or proof-of-principle assessment could receive investments in order to better serve the needs of industry partners and Post-secondary institutions could retrofit existing buildings for research and development or advanced training activities with more energy efficient heating systems and pursue Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards. Strengthening Canadas World-Class Research Capacity and Excellence Research at Canadian post-secondary institutions and research hospitals creates new insights and leads to the technology breakthroughs of tomorrow that help to respond to major economic, social and environmental challenges and opportunities. The Government understands that the creation of knowledge and development of highly qualified people are vital for Canadas prosperity in the global economy. Budget 2016 is taking action to support the excellence of Canadian research by investing in discovery research through the granting councils and providing additional support to world-class researchers and institutions. I had no thought of any application of this new knowledgeif it could be obtainednor did anyone ask me to justify my work in this fashion. The assumption at that date was that if the breakthrough in understanding of nature, that is to say in fundamental or basic science, could be achieved, applications would undoubtedly follow. The assumption turned out to be correct. A Scientist and the World He Lives in Speech to the Empire Club of Canada (1986) John C. Polanyi, Canadas 1986 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry Recognizing the fundamental role of investigator-led discovery research in an innovative society, Budget 2016 proposes to provide an additional 95 million per year, starting in 201617, on an ongoing basis to the granting councilsthe highest amount of new annual funding for discovery research in more than a decade. These funds will be allocated as follows: 30 million for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research 30 million for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 16 million for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and 19 million for the Research Support Fund to support the indirect costs borne by post-secondary institutions in undertaking federally sponsored research. Together with the funding provided to the granting councils in Budget 2015 of 46 million in 201617 and ongoing, a total of 141 million in new annual resources will be made available to the granting councils going forward. Budget 2016 also makes the following investments in attracting and retaining world-class researchers and developing promising discoveries into applications that create value for Canadians. Promoting Canada as a Destination of Choice to Study and Conduct World-Class Research Mitacs, a national not-for-profit organization, builds partnerships between academia, industry and the world to create a more innovative Canada. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 14 million over two years, starting in 2016ndash17, to the Mitacs Globalink program. This funding will support 825 internships and fellowships annually, helping Canadian universities to attract top students from around the world and enabling Canadian students to take advantage of training opportunities abroad. Advancing Canadian Leadership in Genomics Genome Canada, a not-for-profit organization established in 2000, plays a central role in helping to identify possibilities and seize opportunities for Canada in the accelerating field of genomics. To continue to support leading genomics researchers and promising scientific breakthroughs, Budget 2016 proposes to provide 237.2 million in 2016ndash17 to support the pan-Canadian activities of Genome Canada to the end of 2019ndash20. Commercializing Canadarsquos World-Class Health Discoveries Launched in 2007, the Centre for Drug Research and Development is a not-for-profit corporation located in Vancouver on the campus of the University of British Columbia. Its mandate is to identify and translate promising health research discoveries from universities across Canada into new medicines and therapies, a process that is both challenging and costly. To date, the Centre has advanced the commercialization of promising new therapies, secured commitments from leading pharmaceutical firms, attracted foreign investments to Canada, and affirmed its leadership on the global stage by championing the creation of the Global Alliance of Leading Drug Discovery and Development Centres. Budget 2016 proposes to provide up to 32 million over two years, starting in 2017ndash18, to fuel the growth of the Centrersquos promising pipeline and contribute to fully reaping the benefits of Canadarsquos significant investments in health research. Strengthening Canadarsquos International Leadership in Stem Cell Research Through the Stem Cell Network The Stem Cell Network was created in 2001 to act as a catalyst for enabling the translation of stem cell research into clinical applications, commercial products and public policy. To further support Canadian strengths in this highly promising field, Budget 2016 proposes to provide up to 12 million over two years, starting in 2016ndash17, to support the Networkrsquos research, training and outreach activities. Advancing Canadarsquos Global Standing Through the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, is an independent centre devoted to foundational research in theoretical physics. Since its creation in 1999, the Institute has built a global reputation for its exceptional research environment and has demonstrated outstanding scientific merit, which has helped to attract top-tier researchers to Canada. The Institute also hosts hundreds of international researchers each year, trains promising new researchers, and undertakes outreach activities with students, teachers and members of the general public. Along with the University of Waterloorsquos Institute for Quantum Computing, the Perimeter Institute is a key institution in the regionrsquos Quantum Valley innovation ecosystem, which fuels Canadarsquos leadership in new quantum technologies expected to transform and create new industries. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 50 million over five years, beginning in 2017ndash18, to the Perimeter Institute to strengthen its position as a world-leading research centre for theoretical physics. Each federal dollar will be matched by two dollars from the Institutersquos other partners. Supporting Brain Research Through the Brain Canada Foundation The Brain Canada Foundation is a national, charitable organization that raises funds to foster advances in neuroscience discovery research, with the aim to enhance understanding and improve health care for those affected by neurological injury and disease. To help increase understanding of the brain and brain health, Budget 2016 proposes to provide up to 20 million over three years, starting in 2016ndash17, for the Brain Canada Foundationrsquos Canada Brain Research Fund, which supports competitively awarded, collaborative, multidisciplinary brain health and brain disorder research projects. Federal funding for this initiative will be matched by resources raised from other non-government partners of the Brain Canada Foundation. Ensuring Federal Support for Research Is Strategic and Effective To ensure that federal support for research, including through the granting councils, is strategic and effective, Budget 2016 also announces that the Minister of Science will undertake a comprehensive review of all elements of federal support for fundamental science over the coming year. In order to strengthen the granting councils and Canadas research ecosystem, the review will: Assess opportunities to increase the impact of federal support on Canadas research excellence and the benefits that flow from it Examine the rationale for current targeting of granting councils funding and bring greater coherence to the diverse range of federal research and development priorities and funding instruments Assess the support for promising emerging research leaders and Ensure there is sufficient flexibility to respond to emerging research opportunities for Canada, including big science projects and other international collaborations. Supporting Canadas Continued Leadership in Space Canadas participation in the International Space Stations earth orbiting research laboratory began over 30 years ago with the original Canadarm, a transformative project that seized the imaginations of researchers, astronauts and ordinary Canadians alike and inspired national pride in Canadas technological achievements. Since then, Canada has demonstrated a unique ability to develop and deliver leading-edge space technologies such as Canadarm2 and Dextre and to conduct ground-breaking research in the Stations labs. To secure Canadas place in the International Space Station, Budget 2016 proposes to provide up to 379 million over eight years, starting in 201718, for the Canadian Space Agency to formalize negotiations with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and undertake the necessary activities to extend Canadas participation to 2024. Canada will also continue to take part in other important international collaborations with the potential to build on Canadas strengths and develop the space industry sectors capabilities. This includes Canadas continued participation in the European Space Agencys Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems program, for which 30 million over four years, starting in 201617, was provided in Budget 2015. Canadas Contributions to the International Space Station Showcase the Ingenuity of Canadian Industry Canadarm2, built in Brampton, Ontario, by MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA), is a 17 metre long robotic arm that assembled the International Space Station while in space. In addition to supporting the Stations general maintenance and upkeep, it performs cosmic catches, capturing and docking unpiloted spacecraft that carry everything from science payloads to supplies for the six astronauts on board the Station. Dextre, also built by MDA, is known as the International Space Stations space handyman as it performs maintenance work and repairs like changing batteries and placing cameras outside the station. This greatly reduces the risky spacewalks astronauts must take for routine chores and enables them to focus on the main purpose of science. Thomson Nielsen (now Best Medical Canada) is an Ottawa-based company that partnered with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to develop the technology for the Extravehicular Activity Radiation Monitoring (EVARM) dosimeter, which measures radiation levels in astronauts during spacewalks. The technology detects radiation in the most sensitive parts of the bodythe skin, eyes and bone marrowand is now being used to monitor radiation exposure in 1,000 cancer clinics worldwide. Growing the Agriculture and Agri Food Sector The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is a vital part of our economy that supports both rural and urban communities across the country. At its foundation are the farmers and ranchers that work hard to feed Canada and the world. Agriculture is an area of shared responsibility, and the federal government works closely with provincial and territorial governments to deliver agriculture and agri-food programs and services through a federal-provincial-territorial policy framework. The current five-year policy framework, Growing Forward 2 (201318), includes spending of 3 billion by federal, provincial and territorial governments, and emphasizes support for agricultural and agri-food innovation, competitiveness, and market development. In addition, the framework includes a comprehensive suite of business risk management programs to help farmers manage the risks associated with severe market volatility and disaster situations. The level of support provided under these programs varies with market conditions with average annual federal-provincial-territorial spending of approximately 2 billion. Moving forward, the Government is committed to supporting an agricultural and agri-food sector that is strong and innovative. Investing in Agricultural Science Science and research supports the agriculture and agri-food sectors productivity and competitiveness by contributing to the development of new products and processes, promoting environmental sustainability, and reducing threats from diseases and pests. Public agricultural research is particularly important in addressing emerging issues, such as climate change, which have broad implications for agriculture and agri-food producers across the sector. The federal government maintains a national network of world-class research centres and is committed to working collaboratively with farmers, provincial governments, academia, non-governmental organizations and other domestic and international stakeholders. Canada has a strong history and foundation in public agricultural research and continues to be an international leader in this field. The research and scientific demands of the sector are continuing to evolve and are increasingly relying on the use of new technologies and novel research approaches. To support modern agricultural science in Canada, Budget 2016 proposes to provide 30 million over six years, starting in 201617, to Agriculture and Agri Food Canada to support advanced research in agricultural genomics. Investments in specialized scientific equipment and expertise will allow Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to accelerate the DNA analysis and digital recording of the departments collection of over 17 million physical specimens of insects, plants, fungi, bacteria and nematodes. This will improve public accessibility to this collection and will support research in priority areas, including climate change and the rapid identification and prevention of biological threats to agriculture. Over the coming year, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food will develop an approach for additional investments in agricultural science and research, informed by the review of federal support for fundamental science to be undertaken by the Minister of Science. This will allow for future investments in agricultural research to be well-positioned within Canadas broader research ecosystem. Modernizing Agricultural and Environmental Science Infrastructure The Government is committed to ensuring federal laboratories and research centres across Canada have the infrastructure and equipment necessary to conduct cutting-edge scientific research. Canadas world class agricultural and agri-food and plant and animal health research centres contribute to improving the safety and security of Canadas food supply, help protect Canadas plant and animal resource base, and assist in recruiting and training top scientists. Canadas commitment to research in this area also promotes investment throughout Canadas agriculture and agri-food supply chain and supports the competitiveness and sustainability of Canadian agriculture and agri food products. As part of the federal infrastructure initiative, Budget 2016 proposes to provide 41.5 million, on a cash basis, starting in 201617, to support the rehabilitation and modernization of select Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency research stations and laboratories in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec. In addition to ensuring that these assets are in a good state of repair, this investment will facilitate advanced biological and environmental research through the procurement of state-of-the-art scientific equipment. Supporting Business Growth and Innovation For Canada to become a global innovation leader, more of the countrys creative entrepreneurs and innovative companies will need to seize global market opportunities to grow their businesses. Dynamic, globally connected firms will propel clean economic growth, increase Canadas productivity and support well-paying jobs for the middle class. As the Government continues to develop its Innovation Agenda, Budget 2016 takes some interim actions to support innovative and growth-oriented businesses in reaching their potential and to help firms put innovation at the core of their business strategy. Strengthening Innovation Networks and Clusters Translating Canadas science and technology strengths into successful, globally competitive companies requires the private sector, post-secondary institutions, governments and other stakeholders to work together more strategically to achieve greater impact. Connections between knowledge producers and usersincluding researchers and firmsand collaboration within supply chains driven by market opportunities create value through innovation and support economic growth. Information gaps and coordination challenges may prevent these linkages from being developed to their full potential, impacting the strength of innovation ecosystems. To help address these challenges, Budget 2016 proposes to make available up to 800 million over four years, starting in 201718, to support innovation networks and clusters as part of the Governments upcoming Innovation Agenda. This support will catalyze private sector dynamism, generate greater value from public investments in innovation and enable the pursuit of ambitious initiatives that bring a critical mass of stakeholders together and connect their ideas to the marketplace. Further details about the allocation of this funding will be provided in the coming months. Helping High-Impact Firms Scale Up The Government recognizes the vital role that high-impact firms play in creating jobs and generating economic growth. Having more firms realize their untapped growth potential supports a growing and innovative economy. However, these fast-growing firms tend to face common challenges at predictable points along their growth paths. By coordinating federal support such as financing solutions, advisory services and export and innovation support from key federal delivery organizations, these firms are better placed to invest in innovation and secure the talent and capital that will enable their success in the global marketplace. Consistent with the Innovation Agendas goals to better coordinate and align support for Canadian innovators, Budget 2016 proposes to launch a new initiative in 201617 to help high-impact firms scale up and further their global competitiveness. Under this client-centric approach, firms will be able to access coordinated services tailored to their needs at crucial transition points, from key organizations starting with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, the Business Development Bank of Canada, Export Development Canada, the National Research Councils Industrial Research Assistance Program, Global Affairs Canadas Trade Commissioner Service and the Regional Development Agencies. The initiative aims to target 1,000 firms in the first few years, and expand to more firms thereafter. Assisting High-Impact Firms at Key Growth Stages The new High-Impact Firm Initiative will help participating firms scale up and further their global competitiveness through coordinated services tailored to their needs. Below are some examples of the types of tailored support: A well-established company based in Saskatchewan is in the process of developing revolutionary crop treatment technology. The company forecasts rapid growth once it commercializes its technology but has limited experience exporting outside of Canada and bringing new technologies to market. Through the new High-Impact Firm Initiative, the firm would further benefit from access to the Business Development Bank of Canadas consulting services, the Trade Commissioner Services assistance in building business relationships in new markets, and Export Development Canadas export insurance products. As a result, the company can establish a firm foundation for achieving high growth rates and more rapidly and efficiently bringing its technology to market. An Ontario company that develops technology to instantaneously analyze manufacturing data approaches the National Research Councils Industrial Research Assistance Program for assistance. The company has experienced exponential growth over the last five years but is now struggling with access to working capital. The High-Impact Firm Initiative connects the company with financing solutions offered by the Business Development Bank of Canada, which enables the company to access the working capital it needs. The time and effort saved enables the company to focus on what matters most: continuing to grow its business. A company based in Halifax that specializes in up-and-coming wearable technologies is having difficulty raising new capital needed to sustain early production of its newest technology. Based on discussions with prospective customers, the company would further benefit from support from the National Research Councils Industrial Research Assistance Program to bring its newest technology to market. Through sustained engagement with advisors under the new High-Impact Firm Initiative, the company would be able to access support from Export Development Canada and the Trade Commissioner Service at critical junctures in its export expansion plan, increasing its probability of success. Supporting a Strong and Innovative Automotive Sector The automotive industry is among Canadas leading employers and exporters, valued at 17 billion per year and directly employing more than 125,000 Canadians from automotive assembly to parts production. As the global automotive industry is evolving toward the production of cleaner, more connected vehicles, Canada has an opportunity to apply its strengths in areas such as lightweighting and information and communications technologies to designing and building the cars of the future. The Government of Canada partners with the Government of Ontario and the automotive industry to attract strategic, large-scale research and development projects focused on new vehicle technologies through the Automotive Innovation Fund. Budget 2016 announces the extension of the Automotive Innovation Fund, which is currently scheduled to sunset at the end of 201718, through to the end of 202021. In the coming months, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development will work, in collaboration with the Government of Ontario and industry stakeholders, to raise the profile of Canadas strong capabilities and better influence investment location decisions necessary for the long-term competitiveness of the Canadian automotive sector. As part of this work, the Government will examine approaches that will allow it to maximize the impact of federal support offered to the automotive sector, including through assessing the terms of the Automotive Innovation Fund. Developing a Canadian Cluster Map to Identify and Build on Regional Strengths Clusters involve an extensive web of complementary linkages between companies and other actors, such as universities and colleges, research organizations and financing sources, in a specific industry sector and location. The presence of strong clusters can entail significant competitive benefits and growth opportunities for a region and the companies located there. Budget 2016 announces the Governments intent to develop, in collaboration with provinces, territories, research institutions and other stakeholders, a nationwide Canadian Cluster Mapping portal. The availability of cluster mapping datasuch as the composition of regional economic performance and patterns of business relationshipsthrough a user-friendly, Internet-based tool will help to inform the design and delivery of programs by all levels of government. It will also enhance the ability of regions to attract foreign investment and help companies to benchmark and identify collaboration and sales opportunities. Helping Small and Medium-Sized Companies to Innovate and Grow The National Research Councils Industrial Research Assistance Program supports innovative and growth-oriented small and medium-sized companies through advisory services, research and development project funding and networking. While further work to develop the Innovation Agenda takes place, Budget 2016 proposes to provide the Program with an additional 50 million in 201617 to increase the number of companies served by the Programs highly qualified Industrial Technology Advisors nationwide. This funding complements the additional investments being proposed to support work experience for recent graduates through the Youth Employment Strategy (see A Renewed Youth Employment Strategy in Chapter 1). Strengthening Canadas Network of Accelerators and Incubators Mentoring services, networking opportunities and business development advice provided by business accelerators and incubators can play a significant role in improving the growth prospects of young, technology-intensive firms. Consistent with the Governments goals of defining outcomes and measures of success, Budget 2016 announces that the Government will work with stakeholders to develop a performance measurement framework for business accelerators and incubators in Canada. This framework will enable these organizations to benchmark their performance and drive improvement, help companies to choose their best options for support, and assist governments at all levels in increasing the effectiveness of public investments in this area. Linking Canadian Technology Companies to Global Markets and Expertise Increased access to global markets and expertise can help innovative Canadian technology firms grow. Budget 2016 proposes to provide 4 million over two years, starting in 201617, to renew the Canadian Technology Accelerator Initiative. This program supports Canadian information and communications technology, life sciences and clean technology firms by providing mentorship, introductions to potential clientspartners, and desk space in business accelerators abroad. Managed by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, the program is available in nine locations in the United States, United Kingdom, France and India. Supporting Business Innovation Through Optics and Photonics Solutions The National Optics Institute, headquartered in Quebec City, is a private, non-profit organization that provides research and development support and technical assistance to businesses in the areas of optics and photonics. With applications as diverse as manufacturing, biomedicine, the life sciences, defence and aerospace, the Institute is helping Canadian companies to enhance their competitiveness and reach out to new markets. To support the Institutes work with Canadian businesses, Budget 2016 proposes to provide it with 50 million over five years, starting in 201617, from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions. Federal Science Supporting Canadian Businesses The Government of Canada directly undertakes a variety of research, development and other scientific activities at laboratories and research facilities across the country, drawing from the expertise and support of some 35,000 federal scientists, technicians and other personnel. Strong federal science capabilities fulfill regulatory mandates in areas such as health, safety and the environment, and support innovation in industries including clean energy, information and communications technology, and transportation. As part of the federal infrastructure initiative, investments will be made to modernize, green and increase the capabilities of federal science, research and innovation facilities. Funding that will support business innovation includes: 87.2 million for Natural Resources Canada projects across the country that support research in forestry, mining and minerals, earth sciences and mapping, and innovation in energy technology. This investment will extend the useful life of aging laboratories and reduce the impact of antiquated work spaces on the delivery of Natural Resources Canadas science priorities. 8.7 million for Canadian Space Agency projects, including the rehabilitation of the anechoic chamber used at its Shirleys Bay, Ontario facility to simulate space conditions for the testing of large spacecraft and instruments. This investment will allow the Agency to continue to support technology development in Canadas space sector through state-of-the-art assembly, integration and testing capabilities. 18.5 million for National Research Council of Canada projects, including a leading-edge wave-making system at the St. Johns towing tank, which is used to evaluate the performance of marine technologies and vehicles. The investment will respond to industry needs in areas including shipbuilding, deep water mining, and search and rescue. Marketing Canada as a Premier Tourism Destination Canadas tourism sector is an integral part of the economy, supporting over 627,000 jobs in rural areas, small towns and big cities in every region. Increasing awareness of Canada and promoting its spectacular destinations, attractions, events and festivals to an international audience supports growth in this sector. Canadas national tourism marketing organization, Destination Canada, has a strong track record of working with industry partners to maximize the impact of marketing campaigns. Budget 2016 builds on this successful model by proposing to provide 50 million over two years, starting in 201617, to Destination Canada to seize opportunities with partners by augmenting marketing initiatives in important international markets, such as the United States and China. Strengthening Northern Economic Development A strong, diversified, sustainable and dynamic economy for Northerners, including Indigenous peoples, communities and businesses across Canadas three territories, contributes to Canadas prosperity. Since 2004, the Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development program has been a key lever of federal economic development in the North. The program focuses on fostering growth and development in the North including in key sectors such as geosciences, renewable energy, fisheries, tourism and cultural sectors, supporting economic diversification and encouraging Northerners participation in the economy. Budget 2016 continues this momentum. It proposes to provide 40 million over two years, starting in 201617, to renew the Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development program delivered by the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency. Mineral Exploration Tax Credit The 15-per-cent Mineral Exploration Tax Credit helps junior mineral exploration companies raise capital by providing an incentive to individual investors in flow-through shares issued to finance grassroots mineral exploration. This credit is in addition to the deduction provided to the investor for the exploration expenses flowed through from the company that issues the shares. The credit is scheduled to expire on March 31, 2016. Given this challenging time for junior mining companies, the Government proposes to support their mineral exploration efforts by extending the credit for an additional year, until March 31, 2017. It is estimated that this measure will result in a net reduction in federal revenues of 20 million over the 201617 to 201718 period. Expanding Trade Opportunities An open trade and investment environment allows firms to thrive and provides better jobs for the middle class. The competitiveness of Canadian businesses in the international marketplace will be enhanced by breaking down barriers to trade, both internal and abroad, and providing the appropriate tools and policy framework that allow Canadians to take advantage of new trade opportunities. The Government recently completed the final steps of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. Canada and the European Commission are committed to swift ratification so that our citizens can quickly reap the benefits of this high-quality agreement. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would offer opportunities to grow Canadian trade with Asia-Pacific countries, enhance North American production and improve job quality in Canada. The Government continues to consult Canadians in an open and transparent manner on the merits of ratifying the TPP. Going forward, the Government is also committed to deepening trade relationships with large emerging markets, including China and India. Supporting Manufacturers Through Tariff Relief Canadian manufacturers need a wide range of inputs to produce their high-quality products. Some of these manufacturing inputs are imported and may face tariffs when entering Canada. Such tariffs are a non-recoverable charge that increases the production costs of Canadian manufacturers, affecting their competitiveness at home and abroad. It has been a longstanding practice to eliminate such tariffs to support Canadian manufacturing. Budget 2016 announces that the Government will eliminate tariffs on about a dozen manufacturing inputs, providing an estimated 9 million in tariff savings over the next five years to Canadian manufacturers in the consumer goods and transportation sectors. Budget 2016 also announces the Governments intention to launch public consultations on eliminating tariffs on food manufacturing ingredients other than supply-managed products. These ingredients are primarily used in the agri-food processing industry, Canadas largest manufacturing employer and an important contributor to Canadas economy. Eliminating tariffs on imported ingredients will support investment and job creation in this important sector by strengthening the competitiveness of Canadian agri-food processors in domestic and foreign markets. Supporting Ferry Fleet Renewal Ferry services are an integral part of Canadas transportation network, annually carrying over 55 million passengers and 19 million vehicles in locations across the country. To support ferry operators plans to renew their aging fleet, Budget 2016 proposes to waive the 25 per cent tariff on ferries of all sizes imported after October 1, 2015. This will provide an estimated 118 million in duty savings over six years, allowing ferry operators, such as those from Newfoundland and Labrador, to reinvest the savings in their fleet renewal plans, enhance ferry services and reduce fares for passengers and commercial users. Strengthening Canadas Response to Unfair Trade A modern and effective trade remedy system is an important part of the Governments commitment to support Canadian jobs and investment. Fostering the conditions for manufacturing growth and new investment requires open markets both in Canada and abroad, as well as the ability to address unfairly traded goods entering the Canadian market. As part of Budget 2016, the Government is taking steps to improve its ability to effectively remedy dumped and subsidized imports, including through specific legislative amendments. Further, the Government will consult stakeholders to ensure that Canadas trade remedy system offers Canadian businesses the ability to respond to changing global trade conditions. Gordie Howe International Bridge Project The Government of Canada has been working with the State of Michigan and the U. S. Federal Government to construct a new international crossing between Windsor and Detroit since the early 2000s. A significant milestone towards the construction of the Gordie Howe International Bridge project was achieved on January 20, 2016, with the completion of the first phase of the procurement process and the announcement of three short-listed bidders for the project. In the coming months, the Request for Proposals will be launched to select a private sector partner for the construction and ongoing operation of the new crossing. Investments such as the Gordie Howe International Bridge project will help stimulate the local, regional and national economies by creating jobs and opportunities for the middle class. The new crossing at the site of the most important international land crossing in North America will contribute to the economic growth and continued prosperity of both Canada and the United States. Table 2.2 Growth for the Middle Class millions of dollars


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